Hasbro Unveils New 'Star Wars' Figures, Including White Darth Vader

Ten new figures are coming to our galaxy from the galaxy far, far away. Four of them will be part of Hasbro's 6 inch Black Series line while the other six belong to the 3.75 inch Vintage Collection. The figures come from many different areas of the Star Wars media empire. Movies, TV, video games, and comics all get their due.

The new entries to the Black Series are White Darth Vader, Sergeant Kreel, Princess Leia Organa, and Saw Gerra. The Vintage Collection are F'grin D'an, a Mandalorian Super Commando Captain, ARC Trooper Jesse, the Deathwatch Airborne Trooper who saved the foundling Din Djarin, Lando Calrissian, and Shae Vizla. Except for Leia and Lando, these are pretty deep cuts, but that appeals to who Hasbro has in mind with these collector series.


White Vader (or more accurately Anakin Skywalker in a white version of the Vader suit) comes from the 2003-2004 comics series Star Wars Infinities. In this alternate timeline, Luke and Leia both confront Vader on the second Death Star and he turns to the light (hence the white suit) and survives, becoming Anakin once again. Let's just ignore the fact that the white suit he dons after turning good is far more terrifying than the more famous black one.

Sergeant Kreel is another character from the comics, this time Marvel's Star Wars series. He first appeared in Issue #9 in 2015. He is an undercover stormtrooper and a SCAR trooper. He served under Lord Vader himself. It is the green lightsaber that makes the Kreel figure distinctive.

Princess Leia has been a staple of Star Wars from the beginning. This particular model is taken from the Princess Leia 2015 Mark Waid comic. Notice the blaster is reminiscent of the one she uses in the beginning of A New Hope.

Saw Gerra has appeared in many places throughout Star Wars. This figure is taken from the movie Rogue One. The attention to detail is particularly striking in this one. Looking at it is enough to hear Saw's labored breathing.

F'grin D'an is the bandleader of the Modal Nodes. They famously performed in the Cantina at Mos Eisley during Episode IV. It looks as if he's taking a solo on his Kloo horn.

This Mandalorian super commando captain comes from the Clone Wars cartoon. After Maul killed Pre Vizsla and took over Deathwatch, the Mandalorians loyal to him began wearing spiked helmets. It's a nice detail on this figure.

ARC Trooper Jesse, aka CT-5597, also hails from the animated Clone Wars. He was an advanced recon commando trooper. The detailed equipment is a nice touch.

Here we have something unusual in the world of Star Wars figures, an unnamed character. This figure is based on the Deathwatch airborne trooper that rescued a young Din Djarin in The Mandalorian TV show.

Lando Calrissian has been a part of Star Wars since The Empire Strikes Back. This figure bears a striking resemblance to Donald Glover, who portrayed Lando in Solo: A Star Wars Story. The flashy outfit is taken from the video game Battlefront II. A scarf and a cape may seem a little extra, but Lando makes it work.

Shae Vizla joins us from another video game, The Old Republic. She was known as Mandalore the Avenger and often worked for the Sith Empire in their war against the Galactic Republic. Her helmet is removable since not all Mandalorians refuse to show their faces.

Hasbro has out done themselves with these ten new figures. Drawn from all corners of the franchise, they are going to please all the subsections of the fanbase. They are coming soon, but for many, not soon enough.



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