7 Things That Dont Make Sense In 'Star Wars'


Although the universe of Star Wars is amazing and very dear to fans, there are still many things within the Skywalker saga that make absolutely no sense. Here are seven things that don’t make sense in Star Wars:

7 - Why didn’t the Empire check on the escape pod in A New Hope?

When Artoo and Threepio escape the Tantive IV, the Empire’s only excuse is that there are no life forms inside. But did it not occur to them that the Death Star plans could be in the pod? And yes, the plans are in Artoo, but why did they just assume that a pod was malfunctioning? They could have saved the Emperor so much time if they had just checked that one escape pod. To be fair, 2017's "The Sith of Datawork" short story from the From a Certain Point of View anthology book explains that one of the Imperials did not want to fill out paperwork regarding firing on the escape pod. But watching the film independently from that, it really stands out as a plothole, and has for four decades.

6 - Why didn't Vader sense that Leia was his daughter?

In the opening scene of ANH, Vader has an encounter with Princess Leia. In fact, they meet several times in the movie. How did Vader not sense that Leia was his daughter? Or that she was Force-sensitive? It makes absolutely no sense on why he can sense Luke’s Force-sensitivity from a distance, but not Leia’s up close.

5 - How exactly did Padme fell in love with Anakin?

Padme and Anakin’s relationship takes a super jump in Episode II. Half of the entire film, they are arguing, annoying themselves, and just proving that they aren’t meant to be together. However, on Geonosis, Padme tells Anakin the "L" word, with no real meaning or way of showing it.

4 - Why does Han think the Jedi are fake?

Han thinking that the Force and the Jedi are fake really bothers me, as in the Star Wars galaxy, the Jedi are known to be real and play a huge part in the history of the galaxy. The Jedi command the Clone War, so it makes no sense that a guy like Han would not believe in the existence of the Jedi. 

3 - Why does Luke not remember his mother?

In conversation between Luke and Leia in Episode VI, Leia tells him that she has small memories of her mother. If these memories are true, then Luke should have the same memories, as they were together in the same room with their mother. Luke should be able to remember Padme naming him, as that is probably the same memory that Leia has.

2 - Chewie’s “Death”

In the The Rise of Skywalker, Rey blows up a First Order transport, thinking Chewie is inside. This leaves Rey and the audience extremely impacted. But moments later, we find out that Chewie is alive, and that whole sequence, like may things in the The Rise of Skywalker, makes no sense just as an inclusion within the story. We know that there are actually two transports and Chewie is on the one that gets away. But Chewie’s death would have given Rey so much more consequences to grapple with as a character. It seems like they were too afraid to go there.

1 - Is Rey the new Chosen One?

To many new and old Star Wars fans, the character of Rey seems to have been turned into the new Chosen One. When this rumor spread, fans were angry, as this seemed to be an insult to the established lore of Star Wars. The Rise of Skywalker even includes a line from Anakin telling Rey to bring back the balance as he once did. There is nothing wrong with Rey, but it contradicts the idea that Anakin Skywalker is and always will be the Chosen One. George always said that Star Wars begins and ends with the story of Anakin, which is why he didn’t want to make a sequel trilogy for a while. George felt that, when Anakin is redeemed in Episode VI, that is the end of the story. (Of course, he made outlines for the sequel trilogy later on.) Having Rey being the almighty and powerful Chosen One-esque character feels like it goes against George Lucas. Although is fantastic to have a woman in a lead role, the Skywalker saga, in my opinion, begins and ends with Anakin Skywalker.

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