Every Character We Want To See In ‘Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order 2’

We love our cameos in Star Wars properties. It speaks to the depth of the universe when characters appear in properties not indigenous to those characters – like seeing Luke Skywalker in The Mandalorian. Who? What!? When? We knew Luke was alive. But did anybody expect to see him? How cool.

There is also an art form to introducing those characters in a way that their presence is organic and justified. Anybody can just appear. That is easy. But how do you find a way to ensure that a character’s use is motivated?

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Star Wars: Fallen Order takes place five years after the events of Revenge of the Sith. Jedi Padawan Cal Kestis is in hiding but is then forced to get back in touch with his Jedi abilities and evade Imperial Inquisitors while pursuing a Jedi holocron containing a list of Force-sensitive children. The story flirts with peripheral characters until a final confrontation with none other than Darth Vader. Vader’s presence and his casual ruthlessness abruptly elevate the material from being muddling to something epic.

Both The Mandalorian and The Book of Boba Fett have had their share of cameos although, again, most of them involve peripheral characters. While that is gratifying in its own way, it would be great to see Fallen Order 2 play with the epic elements of the Star Wars mythology.

Here are some characters that would be great to see, going from the minor characters to … well, let’s just see.

Orn Free Taa

A Twi’lek senator interested in protecting his people, Orn Free Taa represents one of the last vestiges of the Republic. Could he provide an insight into the Old Republic, and a starting point for Cal Kestis to begin his journey? It would make sense for Cal Kestis to start at the beginning, which means going back to the end of the Republic and finding anybody who can help him.

Bail Organa

Another senator and direct opposition to the Empire. We know he is Leia’s foster father (so a very young Leia could provide another cameo) and is heavily involved in the formation of the Rebel Alliance. He would have links with the senate but also an insight into the Rebellion and what strategies they are formulating against the Empire. This could also help legitimize Cal Kestis’s fight.

Dexter Jettster

In Attack of the Clones, Obi-Wan Kenobi goes to Dexter for information. Dexter is the person who has all those tiny bits of information squirreled away. If Cal Kestis needed specific information, is there anybody better who could provide it?

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Currently locked away on Tatooine (although his television series might change that), Obi-Wan would recognize the importance of Force-sensitive children, and how they could best be used in the fight against the Emperor. However, given Obi-Wan’s sole job is to watch out for Luke, obviously, this is not a course he would be heavily invested in. So who else could help?


That would be the purview of Yoda. Unless Mace Windu pops up, Yoda is the most senior and most powerful Jedi, as well as a Jedi teacher. Cal Kestis has a holocron listing Force-sensitive children. It makes sense that he should talk to the best qualified Jedi. The query is why Yoda decides not to help in this regard, although it might be as simple as suggesting that if he were to take so many Force-sensitive children on in one location, it could draw the attention of the Empire.

Darth Maul

Discarded by Palpatine, supplanted twice-over (first by Dooku, and then by Vader), Maul could be driving his own agenda, and one which Cal Kestis could further. Solo shows us that canonically Maul is still alive. He would be an interesting “tweener,” someone who is fundamentally evil but perhaps willing to compromise to further his own goals.

Galen Marek

Darth Vader’s apprentice in Star Wars: Force Unleashed (and its sequel) is alert to any possible contenders and what that could mean to his position and his future. This could help incorporate other gaming characters into the mythology as well as explore how the Sith function and the workarounds they employ to get around their restrictive functionality (e.g. the Sith only having one Master and one apprentice).

Darth Vader

If Palpatine were to order Vader to apprehend Kestis, possibly in order to turn him to the dark side, how would Vader respond? In gaming lore, he already has Galen Marek there. There are now conflicts that are emerging. Another thing to consider is how Vader would go about apprehending Kestis. In The Empire Strikes Back, we see that Vader is happy to use bounty hunters, so perhaps this is where the practice begins.


Who is he? What is he? While you have all these potential Sith candidates running around, could Snoke be some outsider? Or perhaps he is some backup apprentice Palpatine cultivated just in case Anakin did not work out. Snoke could even be one of the Force-sensitive children listed on the holocron who is perverted to the Dark Side. Snoke’s backstory is woefully underrepresented in the sequel trilogy, so this gives him the chance to find some grounding. Perhaps they could also explain some of Snoke’s scarring.


Arguably, there are better-known bounty hunters, which is what makes Embo such an attractive proposition. He could be introduced to the wider Star Wars community and given a playground to thrive in. In fact, he could be the Boba Fett of this story, the bounty hunter smart enough to track Cal Kestis and possibly catch him. (You could even sneak in a young Boba Fett cameo if Boba was apprenticing to Embo.)

The Death Star

Presumably, it is still under construction while the Empire's stranglehold on the galaxy is tightening. While Fallen Order visited some exotic locations, the Death Star is iconic not only in Star Wars mythology but also pop culture mythology. There could even potentially be a cameo from the second Death Star. Imagine seeing Cal Kestis taken to a half-completed Death Star.


Fallen Order suggests that momentous events are coming. It ends with Darth Vader. So how do you top that? Palpatine is as high as you go, and it stands to reason he would be surveying all possible threats to his position. Just as he is mindful of Luke Skywalker in The Empire Strikes Back, he would certainly be all over so many Force-sensitive children and the prospect of turning Cal Kestis.

While some of these characters and the dynamics they share with others have been explored in series like The Clone WarsFallen Order 2 represents the possibility of bringing so many heavyweights together and complementing them with lesser-known or lesser-explored characters for an epic story.

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