10 Ways That Han Solo's Life Could Have Turned Out Differently


Han Solo is one of the most beloved characters in the entire Skywalker saga, and of everything Star Wars. Solo is not only an extremely beloved character to Star Wars fans everywhere, but also an extremely figure in the history of the Star Wars galaxy. Solo goes from being a scoundrel to being a general for the Rebellion, helping save the galaxy from the hands of the Empire. Although Solo helps change the future of the galaxy for the better, here are ten ways that his fate could have changed:

10. He Could Have Stayed With Qi'ra

In Solo: A Star Wars Story, we finally got to see a bit of Han’s past onscreen. We also got to see Han’s first true love. Qi’ra was Han’s love interest in his younger years, and they seemed perfect for each other. Imagine the fate of the galaxy if Han had stayed with Qi'ra. If Han never met Leia, Vader could have killed Luke during the Death Star’s trench run, giving the Empire their victory, and that would have led to the destruction of Yavin 4, and eventually the end of the Rebellion.

9. He Could Have Quit The Rebellion

Another similar outcome could have happened if Han had quit the Rebellion. What if he had quit in Episode V? If he simply left the Rebel Alliance during the events of The Empire Strikes Back, he could have finally paid off Jabba and avoided a mayor conflict with the crime boss. Although this would have been great for Han, the Rebellion could have been in danger again, as they would have never met Lando, and they would have lost the fastest ship in their arsenal. Plus, Luke would have died out in the freezing cold, which would have been a huge loss for the Rebel Alliance.

8. Chewbacca Could Have Killed Him

Solo: A Star Wars Story also showed us how Han and Chewie met. Han was literally thrown into a mud pit where a hostile Chewbacca was waiting. If Han didn’t show Chewie that he spoke Shyriiwook, he probably would have been Chewie’s victim for the day.

7. The Sarlaac Could Have Eaten Him

The fate of the second Death Star could have been different if Han had been eaten by the Sarlaac. During their escape from Jabba’s royal yacht, Lando almost got eaten by the Sarlaac. Han successfully rescued him. But imagine if the Sarlaac pulled harder and took both Lando and Han. The fate of the galaxy could have completely changed, as this could have led to a victory for the Empire.

6. The Carbonite Freezing Process Could Have Gone Wrong

When Solo got captured and put into Carbonite, he could have died during the freezing process. Leia would have lost the man she loved, and Luke and Chewie would have lost their best friend.

5. He Could Have Been Introduced In Revenge Of The Sith

George Lucas had pans of introducing a young Han Solo in early drafts of Revenge of the Sith. The idea to introduce Solo in Episode III was then scratched by George, as he wanted to focus more on the fall of Anakin Skywalker, and the birth of Darth Vader.

4. He Could Have Lost Leia To Luke

Before the great reveal in Episode VI that Leia and Luke were twins, Leia showed some kind of affection toward Luke. She even kissed him on the mouth when Luke was recovering from his injuries, after being rescued by Han from the Wampa. (Though this was likely just to anger Han.) If the fates were turned, and Leia and Luke weren’t siblings, Han would have lost Leia to Luke Skywalker.

3. He Could Have Died Before Episode VII

Although we all witnessed Han’s death by the hands of his very own son, Han could have died offscreen even before Episode VII. Several things would have changed. One of the things that could have changed was Ben Solo’s turning to the dark side, as the death of his father would have given him a better reason to join Snoke. This would have also caused Leia great grief and probably broken both her and Chewie. Without the bond between Han and Ben, it would have been difficult to bring Ben back to the light.

2. He Could Have Been Rey's Father

One plot twist that could have happen in the sequel trilogy was if Han turned to be Rey’s father. What if Han had an affair with Qi’ra while he was married with Leia? What if, to hide this affair, he left little Rey and Qi’ra abandoned? Another theory that was thrown around a while back was the idea of Rey and Kylo being siblings. These two theories could have potentially brought new and exciting plot points to the sequel trilogy, and a more interesting arc than what we actually got.

1. He Could Have Been Killed By Greedo

What if Greedo had actually killed Solo? Many events throughout the original trilogy would have been different, and we would have never gotten to know the scoundrel we all love.

All these outcomes would have created new and exciting plot points for the story. Despite these paths not taken, people can enjoy the story that we have, and the Han Solo we all adore.

Source(s): Screen Rant

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