10 Things You Didn't Know About Ahsoka Tano


We last encountered Ahsoka Tano in The Mandalorian when Din Djarin brought Grogu to her, per Bo-Katan Kryze’s tip. The Jedi refused to train Grogu because she feared that Grogu’s emotional attachment would lead him on a similar path as her former master Anakin Skywalker. She had come a long way from the brash young Jedi who wanted to prove her abilities during the Clone Wars to become the covert operative for the Alliance to Restore the Republic.

Here are 10 things you may not have known about Ahsoka Tano.

1.) Ahsoka Tano is a Togruta from the planet Shili.

A Togruta’s montrals (the things on their heads) are sensory organs that allow them to use echolocation to sense movements up to 82 feet away from them. Jedi Master Shaak Ti was another Togruta.

2.) Anakin Skywalker was very much against taking her as his Padawan learner.

Master Yoda had hoped that becoming a teacher would temper his recklessness and help him with his fear of losing his loved ones. After having to rein back her impulsiveness during the war, Anakin had grown into the more mature Jedi in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith, compared to how he was in Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones.


3.) She was forced to grow up quickly due to the Clone Wars.

Ahsoka was only fourteen when the Clone Wars started and she became Anakin’s Padawan learner. She was put in command of Blue Squadron (a unit of clone trooper pilots) and lost almost everyone in the squadron when she disobeyed her orders.


4.) She never reached the rank of Jedi knight and was considered a Force-sensitive outcast.

When Ahsoka was framed for sedition, the Jedi Council expelled her and turned her over to the Republic where she would be tried in a military trial. She became disillusioned with their decision, and even though she was eventually acquitted and offered to be knighted, she refused to rejoin the Order. The Jedi Council’s actions and Ahsoka’s decision to leave would add to Anakin’s frustration with the Council.

5.) Ahsoka was a skilled pilot and mechanic, much like her master.

She led a Republic starfighter squadron during the Clone Wars. After Order 66, she found work as a courier and a mechanic in the Outer Rim, as far away from Imperial influence as possible. She flew the A-wing starfighter, known for its speed and agility in combat.

6.) She was one of the few people who knew Darth Vader’s identity as Anakin Skywalker.

During her duel with Darth Vader in Star Wars Rebels, she managed to slash the right half of his mask, allowing her to see Anakin's scarred face and hear his unfiltered voice.


7.) Ahsoka met Bo-Katan Kryze during the Mandalorian Civil War.

She allied with Bo-Katan in their fight against Maul when he claimed the Mandalorian throne. She would encounter him several times as she tried to capture him.


8.) Senator Bail Organa recruited her to join the Rebellion.

After her experience in the Clone Wars, she no longer wanted to lead an army in battle. Instead, she worked in the shadows as “Fulcrum” and helped to establish the Rebellion intelligence network. Alexsandr Kallus and Cassian Andor were also Fulcrums later on.


9.) Ahsoka was one of the few who primarily dual wield lightsabers.

She acquired the second shoto lightsaber (shorter than a normal lightsaber) during her Padawan years and began practicing the Jar’Kai technique of dual wielding lightsabers. Other dual wielders include Asajj Ventress and General Grievous (although he ended up using four lightsabers). We most recently saw her skills as she effortlessly fought against a slew of Magistrate Elsbeth’s mercenaries.


10.) George Lucas suggested the name Ahsoka to Henry Gilroy, the head writer for Star Wars: The Clone Wars

He took her name from Ashoka, one of India's greatest emperors.

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