What Options Are There After The Season Finale Of ‘The Book Of Boba Fett’

Last week was the season finale of The Book of Boba Fett. While it was a good series, it left many questions unanswered. That was fine because it allowed the fans to speculate on where the story will go. While Boba, Fennec, Krrsantan, and the mods were standing around chatting at the end of the episode, I could not help but think, now what? He accomplished his goal, rid Tatooine of the Pykes, killed Cad Bane, ousted the mayor of Mos Espa, and secured his seat on the throne. Does Boba live happily ever after on Tatooine? Let’s look at the options after the season finale of The Book of Boba Fett.

The first question would be if Boba Fett would leave Cobb Vanth in charge of Tatooine and join Din Djarin? As Fett and Fennec Shand walked the streets after defeating the Pykes, Fett commented that he may not be cut out for this type of work. So maybe he was already giving it some thought about letting Vanth succeed him. Vanth was a respected sheriff in Freetown, and honestly, neither Fett nor Shand seem like the settling down type. On the other hand, Fett clearly had a lot of fight left in him. While the second season of The Book of Boba Fett had not been confirmed yet, the third season of The Mandalorian would be coming late 2022. Fett could likely leave Tatooine behind and resurface in that series. Even though he said these were his people, he knew Vanth was more suited to lead than Fett. Fett still had some issues to work on. 

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Similar to the first possibility, would Fennec stay with Boba? They made a formidable pair, no doubt. However, like Fett, I do not see Fennec Shand as one to settle down and help govern a people. She was too…what’s the word? Ruthless? She was great to have around if someone needed to be dealt with, which could be helpful in a world like Tatooine. However, that was not a great way to make friends. Would she even leave if Fett left? No, it’s possible that she would stay and work with Cobb Vanth. Tatooine seemed to be in a good position for Vanth to take over as a rightful leader. The same went for Black Krrsantan. He was too much of a wildcard and was better working alone. The mods would go back to modding.

Depending on the state of Crimson Dawn and Qi’ra, did Boba’s actions draw her attention? This one was difficult to speculate because the events in the comics (go read the comic books) were still five to six years before The Book of Boba Fett. But let’s say Crimson Dawn was still around, and Qi’ra was still their leader. As powerful as she was, wouldn’t she notice if someone fended off the Pyke Syndicate and killed Cad Bane? And if Boba did stay on Tatooine, what would that mean for the whole world if Crimson Dawn attacked Fett’s small army? It would not be good, that’s for sure. Fending off 15- 20 Pykes in a street fight was one thing. Crimson Dawn employed assassins and had connections in every illegal and legal organization in the galaxy. Fett and Fennec were good, but they would not last two seconds against the Dawn. I hope Qi’ra would return on screen. Her character deserved it.

Next, with the Hutts and Pykes’ control weakening in that sector of space, the Empire was scattered, Crimson Dawn’s status was unknown. Who has control of the underworld? The answer was no one. This part of the timeline was full of governments and organizations trying to stay relevant. It makes me think of the music scene in the mid-90s when the few big bands that were around broke up. What was leftover was a slew of smaller bands trying to make a name for themselves. Eventually, the Guavian Death Gang and the Kanjiklub would become more prominent. During this part of the timeline, there was not much happening, so it would be interesting to see how this played out while the New Republic and the First Order were forming.

Lastly, if Boba did stay, he could build his “army” and help bring prosperity to Tatooine. This was evident by what happened to Garsa Fwip’s Sanctuary. Before the war, the Sanctuary was where people could go for a drink, a nice meal, live music, and maybe gamble. It was doing great business. Until, you know…But if Fett were to stay, I have no doubt that he would help rebuild that business in Garsa’s name. Fett had earned the people’s respect, and he could sustain that by helping to restore their livelihood. 

Fett’s and Fennec’s stories could literally go in many directions. It is an exciting time period that is starting to bridge to the sequel trilogy. A year after the events of The Book of Boba Fett, Poe Dameron’s mother, Shara Bey, would die fighting remnants of the Empire. With shows like Ahsoka coming, Fett probably will not appear in his own series anymore. Instead, he will be a supporting character in other series. For now, Fett’s story is finished, and so he will help others complete theirs.

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