Why We 'Like' Being Scared By Horror Films

90s horror movies collage

Image Source: IGN

There is no question that horror movies are scary; after all, they’re supposed to be! Horror movies frighten, terrify, and unsettle us; however, people sometimes like them. Why is that, one wonders? Here are some reasons that may explain things:

7. The Post-Horror Relaxation; It Feels Pleasurable To Get Through A Scary Movie

Horror icons collage

Image Source: Wellesley.edu

People feel stimulated watching a horror movie; after all, they are meant to scare you. But getting through a horror movie can also give you a pleasurable rush; for example, if you have anxiety, you can experience a dopamine dump that gives you a sense of well-being. Even in general, a horror movie can make you feel good by challenging you with a scary experience and ensuring you come out safe and secure.


6. It’s A Conduit For Social Bonding; Horror Movies Can Help You Feel More Connected To The People Around You

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Whether watching with a partner or a group of family or friends, horror movies are a great way to connect with the people around us. If you’re watching as a couple, movies that arouse fear can increase attraction and bring partners closer together; in a group of people, the oxytocin released in frightening situations can help a group experience closeness and affinity among its members.

5. They Help Prepare Us For The Worst And Teach Us How To Cope

Image Source: CinemaBlend

Watching horror movies can give you an idea of how certain situations might play out, which can make you feel more prepared; they can also give you a sort-of playbook, helping you learn to deal with things like uncertainty and anxiety, leaving you with a valuable set of coping skills.

4. People Like Horror Movies For The Novelty

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The novelty of horror movies comes from the fact that they are aberrations in their environment; they provoke our attention to our environment and our curiosity. After all, horror movies are like bad accidents on a busy road- you don’t see them daily.

3. People Have Different Wiring; The Movies Let You Explore Your Dark Side

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Some people are wired to enjoy higher arousal levels; some want the rush from watching horror flicks or riding roller coasters. Some people are also wired to be curious about their darker parts; horror movies allow us to explore those elements of our personalities.

2. Being Scared Can Give You A Thrilling Rush; It’s All Part Of The Excitation Transfer Process

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Horror movies are fake, but they can trigger a genuine response; your heart rate, blood pressure, and breathing can spike and trigger the release of endorphins and dopamine. The excitation process describes what you might feel after the movie; positive emotions are intensified, and you remember watching the film as an enjoyable experience.

1. You’re Terrified, But You’re Also Safe; The Movies Make You Think You’re Different From The Victim- And, Therefore, More Likely To Survive

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Image Source: Wallpapersden

You may get a rush, but you’re not in danger; this is a part of a horror film’s appeal. You’re experiencing something scary in a controlled environment; this means you can safely play with danger and then get a sense of accomplishment from finishing the movie. It also allows self-analysis; watching characters make obvious mistakes makes you think about how you would do things differently and survive.



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