The 5 Best Poker Cards For Fantasy And Sci-Fi Fans

We all know that fantasy and sci-fi enthusiasts enjoy playing games together. RPGs, tabletop games, and video games alike give people with these interests the opportunity to gather together and bond over a shared passion. And really, that core concept is becoming something of a lost art. So much of our socialization now occurs virtually that this notion of getting together to play games based on beloved material feels almost quaint, in the best of ways.

This is also why we see poker as a natural fit for sci-fi and fantasy fans. While it's sometimes portrayed as a sketchy back-room game, or even as a professional pseudo-sport, poker is at its core a social game perfect for a friendly night in. Furthermore, it’s simple to get into. Learning the basic rules of poker really just involves getting to grips with some very fundamental rules, and if you’re setting up a game at home you only need to acquire some poker chips and a deck or two of cards. From there, you and your friends can be off and running just as you might ordinarily be with a favorite tabletop game.

Beyond being a sort of general culture fit for those who like to play games in person though, poker doesn’t inherently have much to do with sci-fi or fantasy. This, however, is where specific playing cards come into play. The design on your playing cards will not change anything about the game at hand. But there are actually a ton of decks out there that are closely linked to these genres of fiction, and playing with them can definitely make your home poker game feel a little bit more like an activity based on your interests.

For those who might be intrigued by this idea, here are some brief descriptions of some of our favorite playing card decks that are ideal for a poker night among sci-fi and fantasy lovers….



That’s right — there are Gremlins playing cards! Actually, if you just throw that phrase into a search bar you’ll discover that there are a few different decks of them. We’re partial to a light-hearted, colorful deck from Bicycle, however. Bicycle is among the most respected playing card companies in the world (if you have a standard deck lying around somewhere there’s a good chance it’s from Bicycle), and does a lovely job of incorporating everyone’s favorite little monsters onto otherwise ordinary cards.


If Bicycle is perhaps the go-to playing card provider, Theory 11 is becoming the artistic standard. This is an active, impressive company that simply churns out gorgeous decks one after another. Not all of the decks have specific cultural tie-ins or themes, but a recently released deck based on Marvel Comics’ Avengers saga is a jaw-dropping exception. These are about as pretty and well-made as any cards you’ll find, and they do an extraordinary job of capturing character likenesses within the spirit of classic cards.

Star Wars

This is another deck from Theory 11 — or rather, a whole category of decks. The ones we’re referring to specifically are the standard Star Wars cards, which come in “Light Side” and “Dark Side” varieties and portray everything from the droids of recent films (as Joker cards) to iconic characters, to famous ships and settings. If anything these cards are even more detailed and precise in their designs than the Avengers deck, making them must-haves for any poker-playing Star Wars fans. (As a bonus, if you like this deck check out Theory 11’s Mandalorian pack as well!)


Joss Whedon’s space western Firefly may not have quite the same renown as the franchises and films spoken to above, but it certainly has a cult following among sci-fi fans. And the Firefly playing card deck from QMx is about as enjoyable as they come. What really makes this deck special — aside from terrific art and plenty of fun little nods to the source material — is that it’s made to look weathered. With this deck, you’ll have crisp, new cards that look as if they’ve been in use. This, combined with some of the designs, perfectly captures the combination of sci-fi and western themes of the show.

Mythical Creatures
We’ll wrap up with another deck from Bicycle, and one that doesn’t actually have a connection to a specific property. Rather, the Mythical Creatures deck simply pays tribute to some of history’s best mythical creatures — not as they’re portrayed in one fantasy or another, but simply as the artists involved imagine them. It’s a beautiful and creative deck in which you’ll find creatures ranging from gorgons and minotaurs to griffins and hydras. Most fantasy fans ought to enjoy it.

These aren’t the only fitting decks but they certainly get the point across. Infusing a poker game with any one of these decks adds some fantasy or sci-fi flavor to a fun night in, and will likely spark some fun conversation as well.



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