Key Locations In 'The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey' And Their 'Lord Of The Rings Online' Counterparts

Lord of the Rings Online title card

Image Source: NAG

The works of J. R. R. Tolkien have been adapted into many different forms— everything from movies to radio drama to video games. 2022 marks the tenth anniversary of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, the first movie of the trilogy. It has been said that Peter Jackson’s visual interpretation of Middle-earth differs from what Tolkien might have wanted. On the other hand, the MMORPG Lord of the Rings Online (LOTRO) is said to be more visually accurate to the books than other media formats. In this article, we will compare ten locations from the first film of The Hobbit trilogy with their LOTRO counterparts.


Erebor in Lord of the Rings Online

Image Source: Lord of the Rings Online

Erebor, or the Lonely Mountain, lies in the northeast region of the Middle-earth known as Rhovanion. It was home to the greatest Dwarven kingdom. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey shows Erebor in its heyday before Smaug’s attack. The movie gives us a good sense of Erebor’s grandeur, showing its vast, complex interior. We see points of interest like the throne room, mines, forges, and areas the like the antechamber and battlements.

In the game Lord of the Rings Online, Erebor looks suitably majestic. Like in the movie, the game emphasizes the interior’s magnificence. Though the accessible area you can explore is extensive, the throne room in the game is more solid, and there is no massive treasure room.



Dale in Lord of the Rings Online

Image Source: Gaming Trend

The city of Dale is a prosperous settlement that sits near the Lonely Mountain. The humble town would be destroyed at the hands of Smaug in An Unexpected Journey.

In Lord of the Rings Online, we see Dale as it exists decades after its re-founding after Erebor has been reclaimed. It is vibrant and active, benefitting greatly from trade. Unlike Dale in the movie, which is constructed primarily from stone, Dale in LOTRO appears to be made mainly of wood.

Bag End

Bag End in Lord of the Rings Online

Image Source: Lord of the Rings Online

Bag End, the home of Bilbo Baggins, sits on a hill above the town of Hobbiton on the street called Bagshot Row. In An Unexpected Journey, Bag End is a seemingly hilly property, and the interior is shown as having a sprawling, somewhat nonsensical layout.

In Lord of the Rings Online, Bag End is in a similar setting in terms of its location relative to Hobbiton. However, it is on a slightly “flatter” footing. As for the interior, it has what one might consider a typical Hobbit hole layout, but less sprawling and with limited accessibility.

The Stone-trolls’ Glade

Stone-trolls' Glade on Lord of the Rings Online

Image Source: Lord of the Rings Online

The Stone-trolls’ Glade is in an area of Middle-earth known as the Trollshaws. In An Unexpected Journey, we see the Glade before the trolls are frozen when they are actively using it. We also get to see how they keep the Dwarves captive and the moment that the trolls are turned into stone.

In Lord of the Rings Online, the Glade is in a similar setting as in the movie, but approximately 77 years after the events. During the day, all you see are the three stone trolls. At night, however, the stone trolls are surrounded by living ones.

Radagast’s Cottage

Radagast's Cottage in Lord of the Rings Online

Image Source: Lord of the Rings Online

The home of Radagast the Brown is located in Rhosgobel. In An Unexpected Journey, we see a cottage built into and around a giant tree. Its exterior and interior give off the vibe of a whimsical witch’s hut.

In Lord of the Rings Online, Radagast’s cottage is a much larger structure set against the backdrop of Elven ruins. Even though you cannot enter the establishment, you can still feel the owner’s whimsical nature.

Dol Guldur

Dol Guldur in Lord of the Rings Online

Image Source: YouTube

The dark, ruined fortress of Dol Guldur was once a stronghold of Sauron in southern Mirkwood during the period when he was in hiding, going by the alias the Necromancer. In An Unexpected Journey, we see an incredibly ruined structure still inhabited by evil.

In Lord of the Rings Online, Dol Guldur’s evil has been exposed for decades, and it is a much more active sinister place.

The Black Crack

The Black Crack in Lord of the Rings Online

Image Source: Lord of the Rings Online

The Black Crack is a name given to the cave that Thorin Oakenshield’s company took shelter in on their trek through the Misty Mountains. This is the cave that ultimately leads to their capture in Goblin-town. In An Unexpected Journey, the den is spacious and innocuous enough for the Dwarves to take shelter.

In Lord of the Rings Online, the cave is basically non-existent as it is only a portal into Goblin-town. It is also easier to access than in the movie.


Goblin-town in Lord of the Rings Online

Image Source: Lord of the Rings Online

Goblin-town, located in the Misty Mountains, is where Thorin and his Company fell captive during their journey through the Misty Mountains. In An Unexpected Journey, it is a vast cave system being used industriously by goblins allied to Azog and Sauron. It is where Bilbo falls into Gollum’s Cave.

In Lord of the Rings Online, Goblin-town is a complex cave system developed by the Orcs, but it is less chaotic and less populated. In addition, the Great Goblin’s throne is in a more solid throne room as opposed to a stone pedestal/outcropping portrayed in the movie.

Gollum’s Cave

Gollum's cave in Lord of the Rings Online

Image Source: Lord of the Rings Online

This spot under Goblin-town is where Bilbo meets the creature Gollum and finds the One Ring. In An Unexpected Journey, we see how an extensive cave system as we witness Bilbo’s journey through it.

In Lord of the Rings Online, we only see the area around the opening to the cave from Goblin-town along the lake. You can swim the perimeter of the lake, but you can only stand near its entrance.

The Eyrie

The Eyrie in Lord of the Rings Online

Image Source: YouTube

The Eyrie is the rocky plateau/outcropping where the eagles take Thorin’s Company after rescuing them from the Orcs. In An Unexpected Journey, you have a clear view from the Eyrie to Erebor in the distance.

In Lord of the Rings Online, you only see the principal nesting/landing area.



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