7 Actors Who Should Play Victor Von Doom And 1 Who Shouldn't

Victor Von Doom

“I was a God. I found it…beneath me”

These are the words of one Victor Von Doom. Doctor, Monarch, Supreme Leader. Mage. Lover of the theatrical. With dialogue as outstanding as this, and such a rich history to draw on, why have we never seen an engaging or exciting version of Vic on the big screen?

Jon Watts is helming the MCU’s Fantastic Four film, and the multiverse needs a new Big Bad, so now is the perfect time to introduce our emerald-clad ruler to the world.


Below are 7 actors who, if cast as Doom, could bring something unique to the deep and complex role. And one option that really should be avoided. Looks, age, race, ethnicity - none of this matters because DOOM SHOULD NEVER TAKE HIS MASK OFF!
I adore every one of these actors, and their respective works and think that they just seem wonderful people.

Kingslayer Doom: Nikolaj Coster Waldau

Nikolaj Coster Waldau

Remember Game of Thrones? That cultural, worldwide phenomenon that tripped up at the end and disappeared overnight? Well, one thing that we can take away from it is Nicolaj Coster- Waldau as Jaime Lannister. Effortlessly charming, slight smarm and smugness to him, imposing in battle, and can portray loss and likability - even to the most unlikable of characters.

The Lion Doom: Jeremy Irons

Jeremy Irons

For a character who never shows his face, the voice and theatrical nature of delivery must be a paramount casting condition. Enter Mr. Irons, the man oozes silky venom with every syllable and can go from a whisper to a roar in the flick of a Doom-bot switch. That growl and cackle coming from underneath a shadowy cowl for the mask’s reveal would unnerve even the bravest of heroes. Almost as much as it would excite the most ardent of Marvel fans.

Inglorious Doom: Christoph Waltz

Christoph Waltz

Doom at his hart is a megalomaniacal, ego maniac. But he always maintains a level of control over his outward actions. To that end, Christoph Waltz would play a fantastic doom as he exudes control and a level of planning in all his performances, with the bubbling mixture of insanity and madness just under the surface at all times - perfect for doom. The fact the man speaks about 18 languages fluently as well, means we could hear the very first Latverian accent on-screen delivering beautiful dialogue such as “My greatest flaw. I surround myself with idiots”.

Doom Never Dies: Pierce Brosnan

Pierce Brosnan

Fresh from the success of playing Dr. Fate. Pierce could don the cowl and mask of Victor Von Doom with ease. This would be a Doom that is in total control of his surroundings, with every eventuality seen and dealt with. His cultured, charming monologues would be beautifully delivered to let our heroes know, that by the time they have gotten here. It is already too late. Not only that, but his experience in the Bond franchise means even at his age, he would still be quite a physical threat to our heroes. Doom can throw hands or gauntlets.

Doom Omens: Michael Sheen

Michael Sheen

A stunning actor with a huge range, and a background in stage performance that is almost tailor-made for the role of Doom. For a truly threatening Doom, Michael Sheen would be terrific. Wouldn’t need to raise his voice above talking level to have the heroes quaking in the boots. As Doom is the puppetmaster of a lot of schemes, watch the Doctor Who episode “House” to hear Sheen’s sadistic and evil personality come across without even appearing in person. Perfect for Doom lording it over his soon-to-be victims.

Strange Doom: Mads Mikkelsen

Mads Mikkelsen

I don’t care if he was already Kaecilius - Mads Mikkelsen is a phenomenal actor who was criminally underused.  Mikkelsen would bring presence, culture, and refinement into the role, and I think would be perfect to bring Doom’s vanity and ego to the screen in a way that would make the audience begrudgingly like and side with him. Watch any episode of Hannibal - the man eats people, and you STILL want him to get away with it. Remember a good villain is the hero in their own story, as they believe they are doing the right thing. I for one would happily kneel before Doom if it was.

License to Doom: Timothy Dalton

Timothy Dalton

Can play OTT camp and theatrical? Check.
Knows how to chew scenery? Check.
Can play maniacal, with style and poise?
Check. Good evil laugh? Check check.
Just make the announcement Marvel.

Breaking Doom: Giancarlo Esposito

Giancarlo Esposito

Now. I want to start this by saying I love GC and think he is phenomenal in everything that he is in. He plays layered, nuanced villains well, and can be genuinely terrifying on screen. However, that is the crux of the problem. Since breaking out in Breaking Bad, he has become the go-to for a threatening bad guy in a position of power: Gus Fring; Moff Gideon; Stan Edgar; Anton Castillo; hell, he has even been Lex Luthor in the (outstanding) Harley Quinn series. Giancarlo is undoubtedly a great actor, but maybe this is one role that could take a less obvious choice.

Whoever they cast, Marvel has consistently shown they know what they are doing. So, I am just excited to see my man Doom on the big screen…as long as it features this scene…

Doctor Doom riding a bear!

Best picture anyone?



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