10 Surprising Things You Can 3D Print

3D Printer

Image Source: Pexels

Most people know about the basic items you can 3D print—little plastic models and such. But what about other items? Here are 10 surprising things you can 3D print that we bet you didn’t know about.

10. Acoustic Guitars

Image Source: Pexels

Don’t buy yourself a guitar—print one! 3D printing artists have figured out how to create playable instruments via 3D printing. Make yourself a functional instrument or recreate the guitar of a famous musician with this tech.


9. A Functional Gun

Image Source: Pexels

Perhaps one of the most surprising things you can 3D print is a functional gun. Granted, they usually break after a few uses, but the idea is still cool.

8. Handmade Camera Lens

Image Source: Pexels

This one is for the photographers—create a functional camera lens using acrylic instead of glass. Thanks to the soft blur effect this lens gives, photos taken with it are the perfect blend of artsy and dreamy.

7. Rigid Heddle Loom

Image Source: Pexels

This rigid heddle loom is a historical tool, and it’s functional! It consists entirely of raw plastic and screws and is perfect for anyone wanting to learn a new craft.

6. Medical Models

Medical models

Image Source: Pexels

These hyperrealistic medical models are reducing the need for cadavers. Medical students can now learn with these models rather than donated remains. Doctors can also use them to plan surgeries on accurate models beforehand.

5. iPhone Case

One of the first phone accessories people started 3d printing. Phone cases are a simple and easy print that anyone can try at home.

4. Gear Wraps

Gear wraps

Image Source: The Next Web

This application is perhaps less surprising but still neat. These gear-shaped wraps wind up your chargers so that they don’t get tangled, making them easier to carry around with you.

3. A Working Clock

Image Source: Pexels

3D-printed clocks have been invented, and yes, they tell time. They run on battery power and look very cool.

2. Coffee Cups

Image Source: Pexels

Calling all coffee fans! These unique espresso cups are made from glazed ceramics, so they function just like regular mugs.

1. 3D Printed Fabric


Image Source: Pexels

Is this the future of fashion? Possibly. With a person’s measurements, 3D printers can make perfectly fitting clothes for that individual. The fabric is made of recyclable material. Requiring less labor and less energy for production, this may be a sustainable alternative to the fashion industry.

The beauty of 3D printing is that it’s fairly easy to get started. Grab your 3D printing filaments, and you’ll be printing masterpieces in no time.



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