10 Interesting Behind-The-Scenes Facts About ‘The Last Of Us’

Joel and Ellie on a horse

Image Source: IMDb


The Last of Us has been a fan favorite game since it was first released in 2013, and the HBO adaptation starring Pedro Pascal and Bella Ramsey has been equally as popular. The show broke HBO viewing records and fans are already eager to see what they will include in Season 2. To help make the wait a little more bearable, let’s take a look at 10 behind-the-scenes facts about the game and the show! 

10. Greenery 

Joel and Ellie standing on the balcony of the building covered with greenery

Image Source: HBO Max

One of the most fascinating aspects of both the game and the show is the use of greenery throughout. In a world ravaged by bombs and death, there was a nice juxtaposition between the QZ and the rest of the country. According to the creators, they took inspiration from the book The World Without Us to show that the world will continue to grow and thrive even without humans. 


9. Jurassic Park 

Ellie feeds the gifraffe

Image Source: HBO Max

One of the most memorable scenes from the Season 1 finale was when Joel and Ellie interacted with a giraffe and then watched it join its small herd. This scene was also a favorite of fans when the game first came out. According to the game’s creators, this scene was inspired by the scene in Jurassic Park when the main characters first get to the park and see the Brachiosaurus roaming in the open. 

8. Can’t Get Enough 

Joel and Ellie begin their journey

Image Source: HBO Max

Fans of the game know that the story of Season 1 was adapted entirely from The Last of Us: Part I and the Left Behind DLC. According to the show’s creator, the adaptation of Part II will be split into two seasons to make sure that they cover everything. There are rumors that The Last of Us: Part III may be on the way, which will also mean more seasons! 

7. Don’t Play The Game! 

Ellie and Joel in the game

Image Source: IMDb

Bella told Entertainment Tonight that she and Pedro were “advised, encouraged, and ordered to stay away from [the game].” Neither actor listened and they both attempted to play the game but realized that they were not very good at it. 

6. Inside Jokes

Image Source: HBO Max

Ellie turns to a book of puns in an attempt to lighten the mood as she and Joel are making their way across the country. According to Bella, these puns became stale very quickly, so they turned to inside jokes to make Pedro laugh. 

5. Game Meets Show

Anna and Baby Ellie

Image Source: HBO Max

Fans of the game were quick to notice all of the voice actors that made an appearance in the show. Troy Baker who voiced Joel appeared in Episode 8 as James. Ashley Johnson who voiced Ellie appeared in the Season 1 finale as Ellie’s mom Anna. Merle Dandridge who voiced Marlene reprised her role in the show, and Jeffrey Pierce who voiced Tommy appeared in Episodes 4 and 5 as Perry. 

I’m keeping my fingers crossed that we will continue to see this trend in the upcoming seasons. 

4. Their Relationship 

Joel and Ellie riding into sunset

Image Source: HBO Max

It is no secret that Pedro and Bella became very close on set. The two are constantly raving about each other in interviews and are seen hanging out whenever they are together. According to Pedro, his favorite scenes to film were when they were on a horse and it was a wide shot. This allowed them to just hang out and talk since the camera couldn’t pick up anything they were saying. This definitely translates onscreen with the amazing father-daughter chemistry between the two. 

3. Unexpected Villain 

Tess and Ellie hiding behind a car

In the show, Tess is Joel’s love interest and partner within the QZ. She is the reason that Joel takes Ellie in the first place and why he continues with the mission after her death. According to the creators of the game, during the early stages of development, they were planning to have Tess be a villain. She was going to blame Joel for the death of her brother, stalk them across the country, and then narrowly miss shooting Joel before being killed by Ellie. This was scrapped when the writers decided that her motivations weren’t strong enough. 

I loved Tess, but I can’t help but wonder how fascinating the story would have been if they had gone forward with this idea. 

2. That Line 

Joel hugs Ellie after she escapes James and the burning cabin

Image Source: HBO Max

In an interview with HBO Max, the original voice of Joel, Troy Baker, explains where the line “baby girl” in Episode 8 came from. Being from the South, Baker was used to this term of endearment, and when filming a scene where he carried Sarah to bed, he slipped up and added “baby girl” after telling her goodnight. The director loved it so much that he decided to keep the line and add it in the moment after Ellie escapes James and runs into Joel’s arms. 

1. Practical Effects 

Bloater coming out of the ground

Image Source: HBO Max

One of the most amazing scenes of the season is the battle in the cul de sac from Episode 5. It turns out that this was done with almost 100% practical effects! It took weeks to film, and the actors have said that it was wild to be on set with things flying everywhere. The bloater costume was also not CGI, and according to the actor wearing it, the costume weighed roughly 90 pounds! It all paid off as it is one of the most jaw-dropping scenes of the season. 

Season 1 of The Last of Us is now available to stream on HBO Max and the remastered edition of the game is available to play on PlayStation Plus



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