10 Greatest Jedi Padawans Of 'The High Republic'

The High Republic loog

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The High Republic has been running for nearly four years and ends next summer. But, in that time, it has introduced fans to a treasure trove of characters, be they Jedi, Nihil, or civilians. We at CultureSlate felt it was high time to highlight these characters through a brief rundown of some of our favorites in various categories. We will broadly try and find characters who are in the same roles across all Phases but will make choices in categorizing certain characters based on their activities in a given Phase or transformation as a character. Today, we will run through ten of the greatest Jedi Padawans of The High Republic!

Warning: This article will contain spoilers up to and including Wave 2, Phase 3 of The High Republic.

10. Coron Solstus

Coron Solstus

Image Source: Wookieepedia

A lowkey entry on this list, Coron Solstus appeared in Phase 2’s The Nameless Terror miniseries from Dark Horse Comics, which focused on telling the story of a crashed Pathfinder team and a crashed Path of the Open Hand ship dealing with an unleashed Nameless together. Coron, the sole Padawan on the mission, is parted from his master and instead spends most of the story with another Jedi. He ultimately shows real bravery and skill across the adventure we see him undertake. But, his significance also lies in preserving the story of the mission and helping to pass it down through the Jedi until it comes to Ty Yorrick. Coron’s actions help explain how the events of Phase 2 became viewed by those of Phases 1 and 3 as stories of the past, fables of great events far removed from the present, even by those long-lived Jedi who were there for both periods.


9. Enya Keen

Enya Keen

Image Source: Wookieepedia

Enya Keen was introduced in Phase 2 for the novels Convergence and Cataclysm, where she serves as Padawan to Jedi Master Char-Ryl-Roy in adventures involving the Forever War of Eiram and E’ronoh and, later, the Night of Sorrow on Dalna. Enya is fairly understated as a character in Convergence, but she is key in Cataclysm and comes into her own with greater confidence. A notable moment sees her allowing the royal couple from the warring worlds to offer her kyber crystal to an Elder of the Path to gain information. When her master eventually falls in the battle that follows, Enya takes up her old master's lightsaber crystal for her own. While we do not know her fate at the end of Phase 2, she surely remained an excellent Jedi.

8. Ady Sun’Zee

Ady Sun'Zee

Image Source: StarWars.com

Ady is likely unknown to most High Republic fans, as she has only shown up more recently on the periphery of Phase 3 storytelling. Her adventures are instead contained to the VR titles Star Wars: Tales from Galaxy’s Edge and its DLC, Last Call. Stationed at the Jedi outpost on Batuu with her master, Ady must confront the terrible effects of a Sith Runestone, which kills all of the other Jedi at the outpost. Urged ahead by a newly arrived Master Yoda, Ady ultimately ends the threat of the Runestone, and the outpost is sealed. Ady’s story later continues when she chooses her own Padawan as a fully-fledged Knight, but in the current books and comics, she is seen in Shadows of Starlight and appears in the Phase 3 Star Wars Adventures comics still as a Padawan. Ady’s story is ultimately unique, and her encounter with a Sith artifact puts her in rare company in The High Republic.

7. Lula Talisola

Lula Talisola

Image Source: StarWars.com

Lula Talisola was the main character for Phase 1’s The High Republic Adventures, and while she has carried on into Phase 3, her role as a Jedi was in Phase 1. The Padawan to Jedi Master Kantam Sy, she, her friends Qort and Farzala, and several other Padawans are initially stationed aboard the training ship Star Hopper when they are suddenly called to assist a world about to experience an Emergence. There, Lula encounters the Mikkian Zeen Mrala, and their love story across the Adventures comic run is truly spectacular. Lula is also special because she is a Jedi who, despite planning to be one of the greatest of her generation, chooses to set aside that dream upon realizing it would be hollow without the one she loves. Her honesty and caring for those at her side is heartwarming, and we look forward to the winter wedding spectacular issue between her and Zeen this coming December.

6. Burryaga Agaburry

Burryaga Agaburry

Image Source: StarWars.com

Burryaga was introduced to readers in Light of the Jedi and has remained a continuous presence across Phases 1 and 3. While he is knighted and currently plays a notable role in Phase 3, his actions and focus in Phase 1 earn him this slot on our countdown of top Padawans. Apprenticed under Nib Assek, he is a gentle giant of a Wookiee Jedi, an excellent friend to Bell Zettifar, and also a friend to three Jedi Younglings in the storybook Jedi Brave in Every Way. We see Burry’s devotion through his sacrifice near the end of the last Phase 1 novel, The Fallen Star, where he bravely faces down several Rathtars to help others and is believed killed by most at the end of the novel in a plummet down to Eiram far below, but his resilience in the face of his master’s death to the Nameless, and being trapped in an underwater cave for weeks (detailed in Tales of Light and Life) while still a Padawan makes him a stupendous Jedi by any metric.

5. Matthea Cathley

Matthea Cathley

Image Source: Wookieepedia

One of the main three characters in the Phase 2 High Republic Marvel comic, Matthea, aka Matty, was quickly endeared to fans due to her upbeat attitude. However, she also had the flaw of talking too much at times, and her energy could cause her to interrupt others or state information bluntly. Despite this, she proved an essential ally during Jedi Master Vildar Mac’s time in Jedha, and following the Battle of Jedha, where she bravely helped to defend many, she traveled to Dalna with Jedi Knight Oliviah Zeveron. There, during the Night of Sorrow, Matthea was able to survive, keeping her sanity and life where others didn’t, and even plunged straight into danger trying to prevent more loss of life. She remained true to the Jedi ways and hopefully went on to live a long, prosperous life in the Jedi Order.

4. Rooper Nitani

Rooper was the Padawan to Jedi Master Silandra Sho, the wielder of a unique shield of Jedi origin. Through her Master, Rooper was taught that the Jedi were meant to be the shield of the innocent, helping and defending all those in need. The pair were initially part of a Pathfinder team and had many travels, but made their debut as part of Quest for the Hidden City, where they went to seek a lost Pathfinder team and a hidden city. Later, while Silandra went to Jedha and Rooper was on Batuu, her friend Dass Leffbruk pulled her into a hyperspace prospecting race in Quest for Planet X. The group ended up sidetracked, instead preventing the machinations of the Path of the Open Hand. Helping to restore communications to Dalna during the terrible battle that took place there, Rooper was knighted by her Master several years later and was given her shield, capping off an adventurous, fulfilling time as a Padawan. Much like Matthea, we hope that the rest of her time with the Jedi went on to be prosperous and fulfilling.

3. Amadeo Azzazzo

Amadeo Azzazzo

Image Source: StarWars.com

Amadeo Azzazzo was introduced to readers in Tales of Light and Life as a Padawan seasoned and skilled from time on the frontier but naive regarding urban landscapes and the motivations of its citizens. Experiencing an all-nighter out in Coruscant a day or two after the fall of Starlight Beacon, Amadeo and his master Mirro Lox were soon put out on the new frontline against the Nihil, not having yet fought this foe. Amadeo’s story continued in the Star Wars Insider short stories, and he briefly appeared in Temptation of the Force. His biggest outing was the recently released Tears of the Nameless, where he truly shines. Devoted to helping others and bringing a unique perspective to the situations he encounters, Amadeo is a truly amazing character who will hopefully appear in the last wave of Phase 3 and beyond.

2. Ram Jomaram

Ram Jomaram

Image Source: StarWars.com

Ram Jomaram joined The High Republic with Race to Crashpoint Tower, the middle-grade book that overlaps with The Rising Storm. Raised in the Jedi Temple on Valo and apprenticed to Master Vasivola, Ram has a mind for machinery and can use the force in his work repairing or building all sorts of marvelous things. He becomes a friend to the Padawans in the Adventures comic run but has many standout moments in the novel Midnight Horizon, separate from that group, and later in Phase 3’s Escape from Valo, where he evolves into a leader through helping free his adopted homeworld. Ram represents a unique Jedi, possibly as mechanically and tinkering-inclined as Anakin Skywalker, and with a deep devotion to improving the lives of his friends as well as protecting his home against the odds. We cannot wait to see what awaits him in Wave 3 of Phase 3 and beyond.

1. Kevmo Zink

Kevmo Zink

Image Source: StarWars.com

Kevmo Zink left a cavity in the chest of all readers of the novel Path of Deceit because their hearts got ripped out due to what happened to the Pantoran Padawan. With only one novel appearance, Kevmo was realized incredibly well as an eager, kind, and devoted Jedi Padawan to his master, Zallah Macri, yet also someone young enough to feel the effects of love upon his heart when meeting Marda Ro of the Path of the Open Hand. Despite their considerably different beliefs, Kevmo and Marda seem like they might work out or at least remain friendly to each other. However, tragedy strikes, and this Romeo dies horribly, leaving his Juliet to become deluded that his death was the fault of the Jedi and their ideals. This moment begins the radicalization of Marda and triggers a mystery investigated by the Jedi Azlin Rell that leads into the Night of Sorrow on Dalna two months later. Kevmo truly was a beautiful soul, and while it will be painful, we hope to read past adventures with his master set before this sad final chapter of his life sometime soon.


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Source(s): The Nameless Terror, Convergence, Cataclysm, The High Republic Adventures (2021), Light of the Jedi, Shadows of StarlightJedi Brave in Every Way, The Fallen Star, Tales of Light and Life, The High Republic (2022), Quest for the Hidden City, Quest for Planet X, Temptation of the Force, Tears of the Nameless, Race to Crashpoint Tower, The Rising Storm, Midnight Horizon, Escape from Valo, Path of Deceit

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