About Those Hobbits...
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When Bilbo Baggins gives his farewell speech under the Party Tree at his 111th birthday party, he starts by welcoming several Hobbit families. These families consisted of approximately 144 Hobbits, all of whom were somehow related to Bilbo and were thus invited to the more intimate family dinner within the larger party.
Have you ever wondered just who all those families are?
Baggins Family
Appearance: Book, Movie
The Baggins family were considered well-to-do landowners, living mostly in Hobbiton. Intermarried extensively with the Took and Brandybuck families in particular, the Baggins family were once considered more respectable than even the aristocratic Tooks. This all changes, of course, when Bilbo Baggins leaves to help some dwarves take back a mountain.
Notable members: Bilbo, Frodo, Bungo, Balbo, and Rosa.
Family members present at the party: Angelica, Dora, Dudo, Gilly, Ponto, and Porto.
There were two collateral branches of the family: Chubb-Baggins and Sackville-Baggins.
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Boffin Family
Appearance: Book, movie
The Boffin family is connected extensively to the Took and Baggins families. Of Stoor origin, they reside mostly in the Eastfarthing of the Shire, in the area known as the Yale.
Notable members Berylla, Folco
Family members present at the party: Daisy, Griffo, Tosto, and Vigo.
Took Family
Appearance: Book, movie
The Took family were the hereditary Thains of the Shire, a largely ceremonial position. They lived in the Westfarthing of the Shire, in the Great Smials of Tuckborough. They were of Fallohide origin and considered more adventurous than most Hobbits, and thus more “unusual.” Both Bilbo Baggins and Meriadoc Brandybuck had Took mothers.
Notable members: Bandobras “Bullroarer” Took, Gerontius Took (aka The Old Took), Peregrin Took, Belladonna Took
Family members present at the party: Thain Ferumbras Took III, Paladin Took II, Ferdinand, Ferdibrand, Adelard Took & his daughters.
Brandybuck Family
Appearance: Book, movie
The Brandybuck family were of Stoor origin, like the Boffins. The head of the family was known as the Master of Buckland, a Shire official with nominal authority. Buckland itself is nominally still part of the Shire but mostly independent. Originating from the Oldbuck family, they were considered “odd folk” by others in the Shire because they are comfortable with boats and they lock their doors at night.
Notable members: Bucca of the Marish, Meriadoc “Merry” Brandybuck
Members present at the party: Celandine, Esmeralda, Marmadas, Merimac, and Master Rorimac Brandybuck
Image Source: Annaestelle
Grubb Family
Appearance: Book, movie
They are distantly related to the Baggins family. Auctions were a primary family business.
Notable members: Laura, Lavender
Members present at the party: various
Chubb Family
Appearance: Book, movie
The Chubb family was also distantly related to Bilbo; one of the results of this was the Chubb-Baggins branch of the family.
Notable members: Ailward, Campanula, Sancho
Members present at the party: various
Burrows Family
Appearance: Book
The Burrows family is distantly related to the Baggins family through the marriage of Peony Baggins and Milo Burrows. They appear as part of the firm that is auctioning off the contents of Bag End at the end of The Hobbit.
Notable members: Milo, Peony
Members present at the party: Minto, Moro, Mosco, Myrtle, and Rufus
Image Source: Eighth Day Institute
Hornblower Family
Appearance: Book, movie
The Hornblower family are found primarily in the Southfarthing of the Shire; their name was derived from an old family occupation. A member of the Hornblower family was the first person to introduce pipe-weed into the Shire.
Notable members: Tobold “Old Toby” Hornblower
Members present at the party: various
Bolger Family
Appearance: Book, movie
The Bolger family were of Fallohide origin; they lived primarily in the town of Budgeford.
Notable members include: Ruby, Estella, Fredegar
Members present at the party: Filibert, Gerda, Heribald, Nora, and Poppy
Bracegirdle Family
Appearance: Book, movie
The Bracegirdle family were associated primarily with the settlement of Hardbottle in the Northfarthing of the Shire.
Notable members: Lobelia (unfortunately)
Members present at the party: Bruno, Hugo
Goodbody Family
Appearance: Book
An important Shire family, they were related to both the Baggins and Bolger families.
Known members include Togo, Cora
Members present at the party include: various
Brockhouse Family
Appearance: Book
The Brockhouse family was found both in the Shire and in Bree. Their name means “badger house,” a reference to the similarity between badger and Hobbit dwellings. Brockhouses were among the Hobbits that Frodo encountered at the Prancing Pony.
Known members: Sapphira
Members present at the party: various.
Proudfoot Family
Appearance: Book, movie
The Proudfoot family were known for their very large, very hairy feet. Although many use “Proudfoots” as the plural form of the name, the family insists that the plural is “ProudFEET” thank you very much.
Known members: Bodo, Linda,
Members present at the party: Odo, Olo, Sancho.
Image Source: FilmBuffOnline
Sackville-Baggins Family
Appearance: Book
This family was formed by the marriage of Longo Baggins and Camellia Sackville; their son Otho adopted the double name. They were viewed as generally disagreeable and known to be extremely obnoxious, snobby, rude, and greedy. Obsessed with acquiring Bag End from Bilbo, in the books, Frodo eventually sells it to them. The family line ended with Otho’s son Lotho, who had allied with Saruman.
Notable members: Lobelia the spoon thief
Members present at the party: Lobelia, Otho, and Lotho.