Diving Into The Syndicates Of 'Star Wars Outlaws': The Hutt Cartel

Hutt Cartel

Image Source: YouTube

With less than a month before the release of Star Wars Outlaws, fans have continued to read and see more information drop regarding the game's various features. One of the most notable aspects of Outlaws is the flexible reputation system, divided between four core criminal factions Kay Vess and her small crew will need to interact with, be it in equal deals, acts of treachery, or straight-up brawls. But who are the criminal factions Kay will need to appease or reject as players make their way through this open-world game?

Today, in this second installment of our article series, we will be running through the Hutt Cartel, their history in Star Wars canon, their current status at the time Outlaws is set, as well as their leadership and likely focuses in-game, to help players feel informed about their choices! To learn more about the other criminal organizations playing a role in Outlaws, read our article on The Pyke Syndicate.



Jabba The Hutt

Image Source: IGN

The Hutt Cartel needs little introduction, with the big man himself, Jabba the Hutt, playing a large role in the Original Trilogy, even if he didn’t physically appear until Return of the Jedi. The Hutts later appeared in The Phantom Menace, but their biggest impact was eventually felt through The Clone Wars which expanded their relationship with the Jedi and the Republic. Much like in Phase 1 of The High Republic, the Hutts and the Republic became allies of convenience. But, as seen across the animated Clone Wars show, the Hutts acted against the Republic on several occasions, and largely escaped punishment for their treachery.

Under the reign of the Empire though, the former alliance of convenience became one of business, as the Hutt's involvement in the slave trade doubtlessly benefitted the Empire’s needs for cheap labor. We also see in the 2015 Marvel comics that in the wake of the Death Star’s destruction, the Hutts began to help the Empire acquire the raw resources needed for their war machine, in a deal overseen by Jabba and Darth Vader.

Criminal Focus

Vranki Hotel and Cantina

Image Source: StarWars.com

As was mentioned earlier, the Hutts are most notable for their involvement in the slave trade, and the general oppression or control of many other sentient beings. As evidence for this, in the wake of Jabba’s death at the hands of Princess Leia, the criminal underworld was thrown into chaos as repressed groups under the Hutts revolted, and their criminal class became major players in the galactic underworld.

Aside from the slave trade, the Hutts generally have a broad portfolio of criminal and sketchy enterprises, alongside more “legitimate” businesses, though even these skirt the line on many occasions. For instance, one of the better Hutts we have seen in canon has been Vranki the Hutt from Star Wars: Resistance, who operates a glittering casino space station. However, the races he organizes through the region’s asteroid belt are rigged, since after all, the house always wins. 

In the Era Of Outlaws

Jabba's Palace

Image Source: IGN

The Hutt Cartel in the Outlaws era, however, is in a very different place than any time previous. As seen in The Clone Wars, the Hutt Cartel is made up of several different Hutt Clans, who each have a position on the Hutt Council. The Cartel is one of the big five crime families in this era, but the return of Crimson Dawn uniquely affects them for several reasons. Obviously, Han Solo is stolen from Jabba’s prized bounty hunter Boba Fett, leading to the War of the Bounty Hunters, but another is due to the machinations of Bokku the Hutt. 

After Jabba loses the auction for Han Solo’s carbonite slab, Bokku riles the other members of the Hutt Council into action against the Empire, who won the auction thanks to the arrival of Darth Vader. The Hutt forces in orbit of Jekara and the Crimson Dawn flagship on its surface, attack the Imperials, only for them to be defeated, and Darth Vader subsequently slaughters every member of the Council, including Bokku. However, Jabba had left before all of this, and disavowed the Council’s actions, leaving him the sole leader of the Hutt Cartel. When Kay meets him in Outlaws, she is meeting one of the most powerful figures in the whole galaxy, at a personal peak with Han Solo now on his wall, and his Cartel rivals all eliminated.


Jabba's Palace external view on Tatooine

Image Source: StarWars.com

As has been shown and discussed many times before the game’s release, Tatooine will be a major location in Outlaws, this Hutt stronghold having been lovingly recreated yet also given new details and added touches by the team at Massive Games. It is unclear what other worlds the Cartel may be encroaching on in this era, but considering Jabba’s enormous power at this time, his criminal empire might be looking to push their good fortune on multiple fronts.


With this all in mind, should players try to appease the Cartel in their romp across the galaxy? Much like the Pykes from the previous installment, the Hutts are certainly involved in many nefarious and despicable activities. But, they are also at an apex of power right now, and angering such a significant faction could see a lot of powerful hitmen sent after a player. Jabba also looks to be an important figure not just for Kay, but also for ND-5, her commando droid companion, if the special mission offered a pre-order incentive by Ubisoft is anything to go by.


Source(s): Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Star Wars: Resistance, Star Wars: Bloodline, Marvel Star Wars (2015), Marvel Star Wars: The High Republic (2020), Ubisoft

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