Why ‘The Last Jedi’ Is A Love Letter To Star Wars Fans

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The Last Jedi sure was a controversial film when it was released, wasn’t it? Some have critiqued it as an anti-Star Wars film, challenging the ideology of the franchise and saying that it was time to let the past die. However Bob Chipman, aka Movie Bob would say that the film isn’t an anti-Star Wars movie, but a movie that is a love letter to Star Wars and it’s fandom.

While Bob Chipman may talk about a bit fast and rambly at some points, his video does a good job of explaining, with historical context of the franchise and the history of cinema, the inner meta narrative of The Last Jedi. With Rey being the primary protagonist, it shows the tale of a Star Wars fan, essentially saying at the end of the day something we can all agree with “Star Wars is Good”.


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