Revan VS Tenebrae - United We Stand

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Have you ever heard the legend of Darth Revan and Tenebre? It’s an old Legend. While not canon the Old Republic MMORPG has been going strong through many years even after the Disney buyout. In that time much has been added to lore expanding this time in Star Wars ever further. Dudu film has taken the story and remixed it into a fun little video with various clips and music for us to enjoy.

DuduFilm is a phenomenal editor and once again he has managed to take the core elements and make almost a small mini-narrative out of them. In this case detailing Revan and his fight against an ancient Sith Emperor, long before the rise of Emperor Palpatine. For any fans of the Old Republic MMO this is a must watch, and for anyone new to Star Wars it might tickle their fancy and may allow them to take their first steps into a large world..


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