We are looking for enthusiasts who are passionate about TV, film, gaming, comics, and pop culture to join our team! Take a look at the positions available* and apply with the form below.
Video Editor
Edit media together from the video production team.
Edit visual media for Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and YouTube.
Assist with the editing of videos, shorts, and clips.
Graphic Designer
Create thumbnails and graphics for YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook.
Design logos and art for Culture Slate brand.
Podcast Engineer
Runs support and technical aspects of podcasts.
Manages technical support, set up live streams, descriptions, tags, and thumbnails for the podcasts in our network.
Video Host / Presenter
On camera talent with an energetic personality that is able to present topics, read scripts, and keep the audience engaged.
Social Media Promoter
Will support various podcasts and web series with the posting of social media posts on Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, and Instagram.
Will be hands on with the growth of social media accounts and help hosts grow the shows social media.
Video Production Assistant
Support video editor with simple editing tasks.
Find and pull footage to be used in videos.
Select best takes from recordings.
Video Script Writer
Write scripts to be read aloud in video format.
*All positions begin as volunteer, with opportunities for quick advancement into a profit sharing program and/or contracted work