Spoiler Free Review Of 'Star Wars: Andor' Episode 10 'One Way Out'

Image Source: The Digital Fix

Another week passes and with it another episode of what is perhaps the greatest Star Wars series on Disney+. This week continued the plot on Narkina 5 and may have given fans one of the best conclusions to the first ten episodes of Andor. Tony Gilroy continues to engage the viewer week to week, giving them exactly what they wanted from the show and much more. Although, some of the best moments from the episode come from, once again, the supporting cast.

From Andy Serkis and his rousing performance, in which he steals every scene, to Stellan Skarsgård's morally grey portrayal of a rebel leader. The supporting cast of Star Wars: Andor adds so much to not only the show but the larger Star Wars universe as well. By taking the time to flesh these characters out we are introduced to a wide array of ideologies. And have even seen some of these characters become more radical throughout the series regarding what they believe.


While some fans might complain about the overall pacing of the series that issue is not present in One Way Out. Instead, around two-thirds of the episode is dedicated to one of the first moments fans see the Empire faltering in its control. Using violence as the primary method of motivation in its labor camps, The Empire has revealed one of its key weaknesses. A lack of manpower and dedicated troops in key strategic positions. We see time and time again throughout the series that most people in service to The Empire are there for the paycheck at the lower levels. 

And maybe that has been the point of Syril Karn. To show what can happen when someone is dedicated to The Empire, and their sense of order is at the bottom of the ladder. Karn has dedicated his entire career to the protection of law and order. And now, fans have seen him lose time and time again.

Every episode of Andor continues to build on the previous entries in the series and ensures that fans are treated to a different side of Star Wars than usual. The wait for the final two episodes of the series should have every Star Wars fan foaming at the mouth. Judging by this episode Tony Gilroy has stepped on the gas for a high-octane conclusion to Season 1. 

Rating: 9.5/10



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