What 'The Mandalorian' Post-Credit Scene Means

Book of Boba Fett.png

A post-credit scene? Not in my Star Wars! How dare they change up the format!

All that joking aside, this post-credit scene (as well as the lack of concept art during the end credits) in the season 2 finale of The Mandalorian did catch people off-guard. We had just seen Luke Skywalker. We had just seen Din Djarin say goodbye to Grogu (at least for now). With the exception of the dangling thread of the Darksaber, it seemed that everything had been tied up somewhat neatly. However, there was a lack of Boba Fett toward the end, and the post-credit scene made up with that.

After the credits, we were taken to the familiar setting of Jabba's palace, which we last saw (chronologically in-universe) onscreen in Return of the Jedi. In the five years since the death of Jabba the Hutt, Bib Fortuna (whom I did not expect would have survived the events of the film) is still around, having taken Jabba's throne and seemingly become a crime boss of sorts, complete with a slave woman. However, Fennec Shand makes her way inside, fires some shots, and frees the slave woman. Boba Fett then walks down the stairs and reveals himself to still be alive and kicking. Bib Fortuna tries to play it off cool as if they are buddies, saying he is happy to see Boba, whom he thought to be dead. Fett is not having it, and just shoots him to death. He pushes the body off of the throne and seats himself on it as Shand grabs a blue beverage to drink. (What is it with this galaxy and blue beverages).

Then we get the title The Book of Boba Fett, and an indication that it is coming to Disney+ in December 2021. As Luke Skywalker would say, "But that's a whole 'nother year!" By now, we know that this will be a spin-off show, and not the third season of The Mandalorian (as I and some others suspected could be possible).

So what does this scene mean for the show and its characters? Well, clearly, Boba Fett will be front and center, with Fennec Shand as his partner in crime. This is now Boba's palace. As for the type of person Boba will be, it is possible that he will be a somewhat more benevolent ruler than Jabba, but still, as people say, morally gray. We saw that it was Fennec Shand freeing the slave woman, and even though this was before Boba entered the room, I assume that he would be fine with this happening. It is different from how he was years earlier, when he seemed content to allow Jabba to have slave women. Boba could have easily killed Jabba if he wanted to. Given how honor-bound Boba has been as he has helped Din retrieve Grogu from Moff Gideon, I think that Boba Fett has changed as a person after surviving the Sarlacc pit. He can be ruthless in combat, but he may be a more "fair" ruler, trying to clean up the underworld a bit on Tatooine.

Or maybe he will be scummy again after all. Either way, could he perhaps meet up with Cobb Vanth, the man who took his armor and essentially became sheriff of a village? That would be a fun meeting to witness. We will just have to wait and see what happens. Even if the majority of the show were to take place on Tatooine, the season premiere showed us that there is more to this desert planet that meets the eye. However, Fett also has Slave I, so you never know just where he could fly off to next! (Assuming that his jetpack doesn't malfunction again, resulting him in falling into the Sarlacc once again.)


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