'War Of The Bounty Hunters' Sees Two Fan Favorites Go Head To Head


The comic series War of the Bounty Hunters is giving Star Wars fans a story covering the time between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, specifically focusing on the continuation of Han Solo's and Boba Fett's story after the latter was frozen in carbonite. We know he will eventually end up as a trophy on Jabba the Hutt's wall, but it turns out Boba Fett didn't have as easy a time making the delivery as we were led to believe, and he's now about to go up against a very formidable foe in the form of Solo's best friend and co-pilot, the Wookiee Chewbacca.

For those of you still waiting to read the newest comic, a SPOILER WARNING is now in effect so please stop reading if you don't want any of the story spoiled.

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Star Wars: War of the Bounty Hunters #3, written by Charles Soule, illustrated by Luke Ross, and featuring a cover by Steve McNiven, sees the Hutts place the winning bid for the frozen Solo when he is being auctioned off by the crime syndicate Crimson Dawn. However, Darth Vader crashes the party looking to claim Solo for himself and initiates a fight with Qi'ra. Chewbacca and Leia are also present, clearly looking for their friend and love interest back, and will do pretty much anything to achieve this, so when Chewie ends up face to face with Boba, it's no surprise things get heated.

With Vader keeping those present at the auction distracted by his presence, Chewbacca sees his opportunity to get back at Fett and, after Boba refers to Han as a "thing," Leia encourages him to take the opportunity which has presented itself, albeit quietly. Before initiating a fight with the famous bounty hunter though, Boba tries to warn Chewbacca off by stating this wouldn't be the first time he's gone head-to-head with a Wookiee, who are a species known for their temper and strength. He points to braids he has taken as trophies and says:

"You see these? Maybe they look familiar. Maybe they're your uncles, your aunties. You're not the first Wookiee I've fought. Now you know what happens when I do."

You can check out some of the panels from the comic below:


This attempt at a warning only serves to provide Chewbacca with further motivation and so he attacks Boba, and proceeds to choke the life from him. Interestingly, this isn't the first time Chewie has gone up against a bounty hunter in recent content, as he fought Beilert Valance in Bounty Hunters #13, showing off his immense strength. With it being established Wookiees can effortlessly remove an enemies limbs, perhaps Boba should have been a little more apprehensive at the thought of initiating a fight with Chewie. This also adds an extra level of depth to their meeting in Return of the Jedi, as Boba would no doubt have been more nervous at the thought of another round with Chewie, especially since Lando Calrissian basically gives him permission to end the bounty hunter during their first fight. This encounter could also, potentially, explain Boba's lackluster performance during the events of Return of the Jedi. Knowing he was unlikely to survive another encounter with Chewie, it could have thrown him off his game, resulting in his very comedic defeat.

It's also worth noting, Boba did have an opportunity to kill Chewbacca when Solo was in the process of being frozen, but was stopped by Vader. Had he done so, perhaps things would have worked out a lot differently for him. Regardless, the two will go head-to-head properly for the first time in War of the Bounty Hunters #13, which releases on August 18.

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Source(s): Screen Rant

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