Tauntauns to Varactyl: Faithful Steeds of Star Wars


One of the most iconic features of Star Wars is the bizarre creatures that populate every planet and infest starships. This expansive zoology had led many peoples to utilize these creatures' unique traits to their advantage. While the vast majority of transportation was done via starship or speeder in the Star Wars universe, there werestill numerous species of organic mounts. Whether used primarily by a more primitive peoples or in conditions too harsh for machinery, many creatures were used as steeds and beasts of burden across the galaxy.  We will be examining some of the unique traits of these creatures and how they are utilized by beings across the galaxy.


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The rarest creatures on this list, tauntauns were reptomammalian creatures native to the ice planet Hoth. These ram-horned bipeds had thick, scaly skin with deep fat reserves and thick fur to keep them warm in the frigid daytime temperatures of their homeworld. Their thick hide also contained numerous glands that they used to produce pungent aromas as their main way of communication within the herd. This was aided by their four nostrils and their immense lung capacity. At night, as temperatures tumble below -60 degrees tauntauns sought shelter in ice caves where a small amount of heat from the core would rise up through cracks in the mantle. Fleeing their overrun base on Yavin 4, the Rebel Alliance built a base on Hoth and domesticated a small herd of tauntauns to use as mounts for their scouts. This was a task the tauntaun was exceptionally equipped for as their hardy nature and strength made them great mounts. They were also able to reach speeds up to 50mph on open tundra. Ultimately their domestication was short lived and they fled back into the ice wastes after Echo Base sustained damage during the Battle of Hoth. 


The large, hearty lizards were natives of Tatooine where they were also utilized as mounts. While not swift and often lethargic when not under the twin suns, dewbacks were used as beasts of burden in places where sandstorms would decommission speeders. The dewback got their name from licking the morning dew of their backs with their frog-like tongues. Requiring very little hydration, the dew would sustain these creatures for many miles before needing to find an oasis. The Imperial Garrison on Tatooine utilized several dewbacks to patrol the streets of Mos Eisley and carry supplies across the Dune Sea. Controlling them with bursts of electricity, the sandtroopers could spur their mounts into brief sprints for use in firefights with local guerillas. Their thick skin and rugged disposition allowed the dewback to unflinchingly absorb multiple blaster bolts, making them solid choices for combat patrols. 


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The most recent addition to the steeds of Star Wars, Orbaks were utilized by Jannah's group of mutinous First Order stormtroopers, known as Company 77. Native to the Endor system as well as several other territories of the Outer Rim, these fleet-footed creatures were the most horse-like of the creatures mentioned here. While their exact origins were unknown, it was rumored that some of the first human explorers to enter deep space spread them throughout their range, breeding and transporting them for use on farms and settlements. Their thick fur and stout hooves allowed them to traverse difficult terrain at high speed. Valued for their loyalty as mounts, many riders marked their bare faces with markings and designs special to the rider. Usually nonaggressive, the Orbak would use its short, curved tusks to uproot shrubs and plants on the open grasslands of Kef Bir. Company 77 took advantage of the Orbak's loyalty to their riders and steadfast nature to form a calvary within the Resistance and lead a charge across the surface of a First Order Star Destroyer during the Battle of Exegol.


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The dinosaur-like Boga was the first varactyl seen in the Star Wars universe, serving as Obi-Wan Kenobi's mount during the Battle of Utapau. Traits of the varactyl include brightly colored scales and plumage around the head, as well as sharp beaks used while sparring for mates. These creatures were able to use their gecko-like feet to scale near vertical walls and the most treacherous of footing with immense grip strength and dexterity. While the creatures were non-sentient and had a simpler brain structure than humans, they were extremely intelligent and could remember riders for years, reacting in response to how the rider treated their mount. The varactyl eventually spread to Kashyyyk where they came into conflict with the native Wookiee population. the Wookiee viewed the invasive species as a pest and had to repel attacks from these reptavians on several occasions. 

Source: Wookieepedia

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