New ‘LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga’ Gameplay Trailer Breakdown

LEGO Star Wars is here!

One of the staples of Lucasfilm gaming over the many years has, of course, been the LEGO games. LEGO Star Wars: The Video Game, the first game that covered the events of Episodes I- III, was the first major time Star Wars ventured into LEGO video games. It was a fun parody, and also a genuine retelling of the prequel trilogy. This was followed a few years later by LEGO Star Wars II: The Original Trilogy, a game depicting Episodes IV- VI. These games were iconic for their time and a lot of fun. They also bring the world of Star Wars and LEGO together, which was an ingenious idea.

After the arrival of the Disney Era, there was only one more video game, LEGO Star Wars: The Force Awakens. This was the last Star Wars LEGO game for a long time. There was not even one for The Last Jedi or Rise of Skywalker, and none for the anthology games as well. While there have been dozens of specials and other LEGO-specific series, there has not been another Star Wars game.

Until now. 

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Finally, we have a release date for LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. The game is coming out on April 5th, 2022, and it looks even better on the full gameplay trailer! This game has been something that has been in the works for five years. Fans have long yearned for the penultimate LEGO Star Wars.  

Expanding The Legoverse 

It seems LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga will be taking LEGO Star Wars to a whole new level. Not only will we be able to play through all the nine movies of the saga, but we will be doing it in a way like never before. The game is full of open worlds to explore. All the planets from Tatooine to Coruscant are free for us to investigate. We will get to see all these lovely locations and experience the LEGO-filled excitement that comes with them.

The gameplay trailer shows brand new types of fighting moves with combos, tighter camera controls, as well as a much more up-to-date blaster system. There will also be a space combat mechanic along with open travel to other planets, making feel like one is living in a fully fleshed-out LEGO Star Wars universe.

There will of course be hundreds of new characters to choose from, ranging from Luke, Rey, Ben, Vader, and the rest. The game promises a lot of fun and strives to be the pinnacle of LEGO Star Wars gameplay. 

The Skywalker Saga will include dozens of side missions, alongside full-on story missions, as well as other aspects of the game. It will be interesting to see what aspects are kept from previous games, and what is added from newer games. The new fighting style as shown in the trailer seems to be more fluid and more stylized, making it more akin to modern games.

A LEGO Game For Our Time

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga has been in the works now for a long time. Sadly, there have been reports of crunch time among the studios as well. Hopefully, the people making this game will be appreciated for their hard work, toil, and sweat in delivering what seems to be one of the most ambitious LEGO Star Wars games of our time.

LEGO Star Wars can only help the Star Wars brand in the long run. The wide appeal and general fun of LEGO can surpass even the most polarizing of Star Wars stories, making them fun, loving, and giving positive vibes. Even those LEGO Holiday Specials make this author want post-Rise of Skywalker material ASAP.

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga will be released on April 5th, 2022. It promises to be a lot of fun for fans and families alike.


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