Is Tarkin The REAL Main Villain Of 'A New Hope'


Darth Vader is the penultimate Star Wars villain from the original trilogy. This icon captures the imagination of kids and adults alike as he walks onto the Tantive IV. With the power of the Dark Side of the Force at his command, he is by far the most powerful villain of the film. However if one were to analyze A New Hope, one has to ask if Vader really is the main villain of the movie. Does he come up with the plans? Does he command the Death Star? Does he order the destruction of Alderaan? No, he does not. The one who does that is none other than Grand Moff Tarkin himself.  

Grand Moff Tarkin, played by talented Peter Cushing, is the Imperial officer in charge of the Death Star during A New Hope. While Vader brings the spectacle and bravado to the Empire with his dark presence, in reality, Tarkin is the brains behind the operation. As we see in the first scene on the Death Star with the Imperial officers having their meeting, we see him take command of all the other officers. Vader only stands behind him, not saying anything, and standing behind him, more like a bodyguard than a leader. This is evident when Vader begins to choke one of the officers with the Force only for Tarkin to order him release the man at once. The dynamic between the two is not that of equals. It appears that Tarkin commands Vader, and not the other way round.

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Within the context of the film, it is Tarkin who wishes to use the Death Star to consolidate the Empire's position in the galaxy following the dissolution of the Imperial senate. He seems to be the driving force behind the use of fear as the Empire's main focal point of control. This would later get expanded upon in the Expanded Universe in what is known as the Tarkin Doctrine, which is ruling through fear. Within the confines of the movie itself, Tarkin is the driving force of the Death Star. Vader, for his part, is not involved with any plans whatsoever. If anything, he is mostly cautious at best, thinking that the Death Star is still insignificant next to the power of the Force. For the most part he continues to do Tarkin’s bidding, or just stands by his side, and enforces his will.

Vader’s main stance through most of A New Hope can be described as reserved. His only real moment of character development involves his relationship with Obi-Wan Kenobi as he senses his former master and prepares for one final duel with him. His actual scheming or villainy is kept on the back burner. He seems to be more into action itself than strategizing. The only planning he brings up is when he lets the heroes escape so that the Empire can track them to the hidden Rebel base. It is a gamble that Tarkin is hesitant about. However, he is willing to try as it is a step closer to ending the Rebel Alliance.

One could argue though that because Tarkin is the driving force behind the evil of the Empire in A New Hope, he is the true villain of the movie. The Death Star is his project. Vader just enforces his will, and by extension the will of the Empire. The lack of spotlight on Darth Vader is probably because the story of Star Wars is not really about him at this time. The connection between Darth Vader and Anakin Skywalker has not been established. They are still their own separate characters. Only after the destruction of Death Star and Grand Moff Tarkin does Vader appear to finally step up and take on a leadership role in the Empire.

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