Top Ten Heroes in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

It’s hard to break down the Marvel Cinematic Universe into the top ten heroes. A lot of it can be subjective and based on the person as well. Although, there are definitely a few that can be universally accepted as at least “one of the best”. We are going to break down ten of the most popular Marvel Cinematic Universe heroes, in no particular order.

10. Hawkeye

As far as heroes go in the MCU, Hawkeye isn’t normally one many fans will add to their favorites list. Although, after Disney+’s new Hawkeye show being released, Hawkeye’s popularity as an MCU hero may get a little bigger. Hawkeye is the best marksman in the MCU and an extremely loyal and fierce friend, husband, and father. He will do anything for his family and his friends. But also, he knows not to be entirely reckless and tends to be more on the levelheaded side of things. Deep down, Hawkeye is as loyal and as lethal as they come, which definitely makes him an underrated character and one of the best heroes.

9. Spider-Man

One of Marvel’s most popular and famous superheroes, Spider-Man is so popular that he’s had his franchise rebooted 3 times to date with 3 main live action Spider-Man actors. Spider-Man was the late Stan Lee’s favorite superhero. Lee stated that this was “because he's become the most famous. He's the one who's most like me - nothing ever turns out 100 percent OK; he's got a lot of problems, and he does things wrong, and I can relate to that.” One of the unique things about Spider-Man is that he is younger than a lot of the main superheroes in the MCU which gives him a whole new energy and excitement. Tom Holland’s Spider-Man is funny, quirky, and just wants to help in any way he can, much to his own fault sometimes when he causes problems. He is a good friend and wants to help everyone. He’s basically a kid, which adds a level of fun to his character unlike some of the other MCU heroes and you just want him to succeed no matter what. In the MCU’s Phase 3, Iron Man took Spider-Man under his wing, which elicited some rather heart-wrenching scenes in Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame between the two. Spider-Man: No Way Home is set to be released in theaters on December 17, 2021 and has caused quite the stir and excitement among fans.

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8. Captain America

Next to Iron Man, probably one of the most popular MCU characters of all time, Chris Evans’ Steve Rogers is definitely the man with the plan, courage, honor, honesty, determination, and fierce loyalty to friends. Scrawny Steve had all of that, which is why he was chosen for the Super Serum and Captain America was born. Captain America holds the Avengers together (with Iron Man’s help). He is a natural leader. Not afraid to go out in front to stop the bad guys. He wants to do the right thing all the time even if the right thing is losing. His belief in the “right thing” has led to some scuffles within the Avengers, particularly with Tony Stark. Captain America is definitely one of the superheroes that people immediately think about when they hear the name "Marvel."

7. Iron Man

Iron Man started the Marvel Cinematic Universe in 2008 with the release of Iron Man. The Avengers wouldn’t exist without Tony Stark/Iron Man, and Iron Man would really not exist without Robert Downey Jr who brought the playboy philanthropist to life like no one else could. Iron Man is another instant favorite among many fans, especially because of being the foundation hero that the MCU was built on, but also just for who he is. While he is very rich, and knows it, he does use his knowledge and resources to help people, so he isn’t totally self-centered. He’s outgoing, extremely stubborn, resourceful, has a strong will to survive, and wants to get his own way (which leads to headbutting with several other Avengers). However, because of this, he is also a fierce friend to those he deems friends, and in the end, he makes the ultimate sacrifice to help everyone. He gives his life to snap Thanos and his entire army out of existence in the universe in one of the best, heartbreaking scenes in the MCU. On the outside he seems rough and closed off, but in reality, he really is yet another fierce friend in the Avengers.

6. The Hulk

The Hulk may not be on everyone’s favorite list, but you cannot deny that Bruce Banner is a fantastic MCU hero. He’s funny, he’s smart, and he wants to protect his friends at all costs. His secret is that “he’s always angry” and he is definitely the Avenger’s secret weapon, as Tony tells Loki in The Avengers: “We have a Hulk.” And when Bruce Banner finally comes to terms with his Hulk side, he is near unstoppable. Of course, the Hulk being what he is, he hasn’t always been a hero, but the bottom line is, in the end, the Hulk will do anything to protect his friends.

5. Black Widow

Black Widow, Natasha Romanoff, may be one of the most badass women in the MCU. Her tortured background makes her all the stronger as a character and a fighter. She fights like no one else on the team and rarely loses. She is, once she feels comfortable around you, a loyal ally, and also a master at manipulation. She’s deeply hurt inside, but as she opens up more around the Avengers, she learns that she has friends and people she can trust. She will fight till the end and not give up. Her sacrifice to attain one of the Infinity Stones is one of the most heart-wrenching deaths in the MCU. And, despite some mixed reviews, she did finally get her own titular movie, which she deserved.

4. Thor

As far as Norse gods go, Thor is an interesting one. Arrogant (although less so later on), emotional, temperamental, and a ferocious fighter, along with his love for his brother (despite Loki’s many betrayals) is what makes up this MCU hero. Thor is often made to watch on the sidelines as things happen to people and places he loves and he cannot do anything. This makes his loyalty and friendship all the more poignant, and his constant want to believe Loki has changed more understandable. It’s what drives him, and eventually turns him into a hero who gave up. But in the end, Thor rises to the occasion and realizes that he still has a part to play in the story.

3. Winter Soldier

Bucky Barnes is not all hero. Back in WWII as Steve Rogers’ friend, he is a hero but is “killed” in the line of duty. When he resurfaces as the Winter Soldier, he is anything but a hero. Steve, however, is determined to still find the human side of him and get him to turn back to the heroes. Eventually, Bucky is able to, at least mostly. He is on many fans’ lists as a favorite due in part to his tortured past and intricate storyline, which continues past the movies and into The Falcon and the Winter Soldier. Which, also made The Falcon into a favorite MCU hero as well. Together they make a misfit team of strong friends (eventually) amid distrust and general dislike. Bucky Barnes is a fierce fighter both outwardly and inwardly against his own demons of the past. He may be quiet, but he can also tell some pretty good deadpan jokes.

2. Black Panther

When Black Panther was released in theaters, T’Challa instantly became a fan favorite MCU hero, for what he stood for, and for who he is, inside and out. Chadwick Boseman brought the Black Panther to life, and it was a sad day in the MCU fanbase when he passed. T’Challa is funny, loyal to his family and his country, and is an amazing leader. Just like Captain America, he knows how to command the respect and love of a crowd. He will do anything to protect those he loves and his homeland. But most importantly, he is able to realize that seeking revenge is not the way to go. He chooses mercy and love above all else, which makes him unique as an MCU hero. He has a strength, compassion, and speed about him that really makes him stand out.

1. Ant Man

Next to Tom Holland’s Spider-Man, Scott Lang’s Ant-Man is easily one of the funniest characters. He is an unlikely hero, which always makes for a favorite. He is sarcastic, makes lots of jokes, and yet is also very serious about trying to turn his life around. His goal is to be able to see his daughter and be a part of her life. That is why he does what he does. He may not be the best listener and he may make a mess of almost everything he touches, but, without him, the Avengers couldn’t have brought back everyone from the Thanos snap. He is definitely the wild-card of the MCU, with audiences never sure what is going to happen with him. He does what he wants and usually asks for forgiveness later.

These are just a few of the top MCU heroes as each one has their own set of quirks, backstories, beliefs, and values. Each one brings something different to the Avengers and to the MCU at large. And each one is what makes the Marvel Cinematic Universe an amazing story.

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Source(s): IGN,

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