Top 5 Best Moments From R2-D2 In 'Star Wars'


Out of all the many characters within the Star Wars universe, none is more courageous, determined, and braver than everyone’s favorite astromech droid, R2-D2. Artoo is not only one of the bravest characters from the Skywalker saga, but also is one of the only characters to have appeared in the entire Skywalker saga. Here are the top five R2-D2 moments:

5. Intro and Saving Queen Amidala

One of the greatest moments from the prequel era was none other than when Obi-Wan, Qui Gon, and the rest of our heroes were trying to escape the Trade Federation’s invasion from the planet of Naboo. Our heroes were about to be toast, as the heavy canons from the Trade Federation were taking down Queen Amidala’s royal cruiser, piece by piece. Several astromech droid were dispatched to repair the ship’s shield. Most of them were also destroyed. However, R2-D2 managed to repair the cruiser’s shield, and even got recognized by Queen Amidala herself. 

4. Distracting Grievous’ Forces

One of the funniest moments from Star Wars: Episode III was when Anakin signaled Artoo to freak out so the droids around them would get distracted and they could escape from the hands of General Grievous and his droids. Artoo screamed and opened many small parts from his body, with some released steam, and some releasing electric shocks.

3. Meeting Grogu

During The Mandalorian season 2 finale, the hardest moment to watch was when Grogu had to say goodbye to Din Djarin. But one the most amazing moments from the finale was when Artoo showed up next to Luke Skywalker. Many fans from around the world were more satisfied to see Artoo than Luke himself. That just shows you the amount of love that there is for this cute droid. 

2. Helping Luke Rescue Han and Leia

In the opening act of Return of the Jedi, Artoo seemed to be the only one who actually knew Luke’s entire plan. He knew that he and 3PO were going to be given to Jabba, which would then give Luke easy access to his lightsaber later on. Artoo’s bravery was shown throughout this portion of the film, as he was willing to cross paths with dangerous beings within Jabba’s palace in order to help Luke with his escape plan, and rescue Han and Leia.

1. Artoo vs Super Battle Droids

Even though Artoo had many heroic moments throughout the saga, none show his cleverness and his bravery like the time when he took down two fully developed super battle droids in Revenge of the Sith. While helping Anakin and Obi-Wan with the elevator, Artoo was stopped by two super battle droids. Artoo never showed any fear against the two killing machines. In fact, he showed his cleverness as he blinded them with oil and them used his rockets to light them on fire. It was such a funny moment to see two perfect killing machine that were built for war, being totally wrecked by a small tech support droid.

R2-D2 has such bravery that even many Jedi didn’t show. He also knew that loyalty was always important, making him an extremely trustworthy fighter of the Rebellion. Artoo was not just a droid in the Rebel Alliance; he was a soldier whose cleverness and strategic ways helped the Rebel Alliance win the war with the Empire. Artoo was not only trusted among the Rebellion, but also was Leia’s and Luke’s trusty companion. He was even one to their father Anakin Skywalker, who saw R2-D2 very much as his best friend.

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