Top 3 Things We Thought Might Happen In 'Book Of Boba Fett' That Didn't

One of the exciting elements of any major franchise, especially weekly series, is coming up with fan theories and speculation about what might happen next in the storyline. The Book of Boba Fett is no exception to this. In this article, I plan to discuss and evaluate some fan theories and speculation that the series seemed to be building towards but ended up going in different directions or, in some cases, nowhere at all.

Water: Throughout the first three chapters of Book of Boba Fett, there seems to be a significant focus on water. The first chapter featured flashbacks to Boba's captivity by the Tusken Raiders, including being forced to dig for water, before winning the Tusken's trust and earning a drink of water as a sign of trust and acceptance. In the second chapter, Boba is told by the Tuskens that the barren desert known as the "Dune Sea" was once actually covered in water and Boba experiences a vision of the desert being awash in water while on a vision quest. Finally, in the third chapter, he intervenes in a dispute between a water monger and a biker gang. Finally, during the first two chapters, he flashes back to his time on the watery world of Kamino, where he and father, Jango, once resided.

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Was that leading up to anything? Did it mean anything at all? One "crack theory" I heard and liked on the Skytalkers Podcast suggested that maybe part of Boba's campaign to win the hearts and minds of the people of Tatooine would involve somehow figuring out how to bring water back to Tatooine, smashing the political status quo on Tatooine, which I thought is a neat idea. Even more intriguing was the idea that Boba might return to Kamino and/or discover some kind of technology that would allow him to create water on Tatooine. Of course, now that we know that the Kamino cloning facilities in Tipoca City were laid to waste in The Bad Batch over two decades prior, there probably would not have been anything to return to find. It is unknown whether Boba ever learned about what happened on Kamino or not but at any rate, all the early talk about water and even his flashbacks to Kamino ultimately did not seem to matter much to the overall storyline.

Tuskens: Recent Star Wars series, starting with The Mandalorian, have begun developing and humanizing the Tusken Raiders. Far from the vicious Tatooine marauders they are depicted as in the Star Wars films, such as A New Hope, The Phantom Menace, and especially Attack of the Clones. The Book of Boba Fett continues the trend of making them more relatable. While the series starts with Boba being taken captive almost instantly after emerging from the sarlacc, Boba eventually gains their trust and even becomes a member of the tribe. Regrettably, his tribe is wiped out by the Pykes, ending his stay with them.

During the time that he was with the Tusken tribe, we do get to learn a little about their culture and history, or at least that of this particular Tusken tribe. We still, however, do not even know what they look like underneath all of their native garb, and I was hoping that we might finally find out. With all the talk about water and it once being on Tatooine, part of me was even wondering if the Tuskens were aquatic creatures native to Tatooine that had to adapt to the barren desert conditions as the water faded away, but for now that remains a mystery. I was probably also not alone in thinking that the Tuskens might be the key to Boba's victory over the Pykes in the finale, although such thinking, of course, went right out the window after Chapter Three.

Original Trilogy Characters: There were rumors swirling that Han Solo might (somehow) turn up in The Book of Boba Fett. Surely, it would have been interesting to see how they interacted with each other after the events of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi, as well how they might deal with their unfinished business. Alas, it ultimately did not end up happening in the series, although if there are future seasons, Han could still possibly be brought back into the storyline. Of course, it remains to be seen if Harrison Ford would even be willing to participate in another Star Wars project or even lend his digital likeness and/or voice, especially when he has tried so hard to get away from Star Wars pretty much ever since the original trilogy.

Chewbacca, of course, could show up by himself, however, he has no real history with Boba Fett and is usually always by Han's side, making them a package deal. Seeing Chewbacca interact with fellow Wookie, Black Krrsantan, might have been interesting. Another intriguing possibility might have been Luke showing up and encountering Boba, although, outside their encounter in Return of the Jedi, they do not have the same kind of personal history that Han and Boba have with each other. However, Boba probably still harbors some anger and resentment against Jedi for Jango's death. Of course, technically, Luke did show up in the series, albeit as part of a separate storyline involving Din and Grogu, and he never had any contact with Boba.

It should be noted that The Book of Boba Fett was seven episodes long, two of which were essentially segues into The Mandalorian. It is entirely possible that had the series been longer or had more episodes devoted to Boba's story, maybe some of these ideas might have been utilized. It has not been announced whether The Book of Boba Fett will receive another season or not. At this point, it is anybody's guess, if we do get another season of the series, some of these ideas and theories might be realized. Whatever the case may be, speculation and fan theories will continue to keep everybody engaged.

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Source(s): Screen Rant, Skytalkers Podcast

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