Top 10 Superweapons In ‘Star Wars’

The Star Wars Universe is filled with endless weapons and wonders, but only a few can be called superweapons. It is impossible to name them all, but here are my top 10 superweapons in Star Wars.

10. The Defoliator

The Defoliator was a weapon created during the Clone Wars by the Neimoidian General Lok Durd for the Separatist Alliance. This weapon could kill all organic matter within its blast zone without harming droids. This weapon seemed ideal for the Separatist Alliance since their army almost consisted entirely of droids. The first prototype appeared in The Clone Wars Season 1, Episode 14. General Lok Durd tried to use his prototype on the Lurmen village, but it was destroyed by Anakin Skywalker before causing any actual harm. The second and final prototype would be used on Dathomir when General Grievous was ordered to wipe out the Nightsisters. Despite seeming like a perfect weapon for a droid army, there were a few setbacks when using the Defoliator. The first was that the blast was stopped by ray shields already widely used by the clone army. The second, when the final prototype of the weapon was used, the blast radius was much smaller, and the Nightsisters were able to run from the blast's reach.

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9. Electro-Proton Bomb

While the Separatists had the Defoliator, the Republic was armed with the electro-proton bomb that would release a powerful electromagnetic shock wave capable of disabling or destroying any form of droid and vehicle within the massive blast radius. It was first and only shown in The Clone Wars Season 2, Episode 18 when the Separatists attempted to take over Malastare. Much like the Defoliator, it seemed like the perfect weapon against an enemy made almost entirely of droids, but it had its own setbacks. While it did destroy all droids in the blast, it also took out all of the clone helmets, AT-TE's, gunships, and even Anakin Skywalker's mechno-arm. This left the clones no choice but to run for their lives when the ground began to break open before they discovered the Zillo beast.

8. Death Mark Laser

The Death Mark Laser was a top-secret weapon that orbited a planet, and could fire incredibly accurate energy strikes at marked targets. When "marked," the fatal beam could penetrate virtually any structure or shield, making escape impossible. The most shocking thing about this weapon is that it was created by the Galactic Republic. The weapon was seized during the Cold War with the Sith Empire by Darth Angral, who wanted revenge against an unknown Jedi who killed his son, Tarnis. This unknown Jedi was able to evade the laser using his Jedi senses and destroy the weapon and Sith apprentice Nefarid. While this weapon could kill any target that was "marked" no matter how protected they were, it did have one major issue. To mark a target, the attacker would have to get within at least 20 meters of their intended victim. Unfortunately, this was not always possible, especially if the intended target was a high-profile individual.

7. Star Forge

The Star Forge was a giant automated shipyard used to create one of the most powerful armies of all time. It was constructed by the Rakatan Infinite Empire in 30,000 BBY, about 5,000 years before the Galactic Republic. It drew energy and matter from a nearby star and, when combined with the power of the Force, was able to create an endless supply of ships, droids, and other war material. It came under control of Darth Malak, who used it to strengthen the Sith fleet with a massive amount of ships. He described it as “a living creature. It hungers. And it can feed on the dark side that is within all of us." Darth Malak was able to incorporate captured Jedi into the Star Forge, where the Forge would channel the power of the Force-sensitives into Darth Malak himself. This, of course, killed the captured Jedi, and allowed Darth Malak to regain his strength. Unfortunately, in his battle with Darth Revan, Revan sabotaged the system and destroyed the Star Forge.

6. The Malevolence

The Malevolence was first only known as the "mystery weapon." After Master Plo Koon, Commander Wolffe, and clone troopers Boost and Sinker managed to survive the attack from General Grievous, they were able to warn the Jedi of its mega-ion cannon. The Malevolence was introduced in The Clone Wars Season 1, Episode 2. Its mega-ion cannon neutralized all power to enemy ships, leaving the targets defenseless, allowing droid scouting parties to go out and kill any remaining survivors. Once the Jedi knew what they were up against, they were able to take necessary precautions. Even though the Jedi knew what the secret weapon was, it did not make the task of destroying the giant ship any easier with it armed with vulture droids and laser canons. The Jedi were able to destroy it in the end, thanks to Anakin Skywalker sabotaging the Navi-computer, and causing the ship to crash into the Dead Moon of Antar.

5. The Arc Pulse Generator

The Arc Pulse Generator, nicknamed “The Duchess” after Duchess Satine Kryze, was designed by Sabine Wren while attending the Imperial Academy on Mandalore. The weapon was able to target beskar alloy in the Mandalorian armor, causing the person wearing it to be disintegrated. This weapon was introduced in Star Wars Rebels Season 4, Episode 1. Even at a fraction of its full power, it was able to take out an entire squad of Mandalorians. Sabine Wren would later sneak onto the Imperial ship where it was held and sabotage the weapon to target stormtrooper armor instead. She would ultimately strike it with the dark saber, destroying the generator and the ship along with it.

4. The Inhibitor Chip

While the inhibitor chip is far different than any other weapon on this list, it was the key to bringing an end to both the Jedi and the Galactic Republic. The inhibitor chips were surgically implanted into the clones at an early stage of development, supposedly to make the clones less aggressive than their source, Jango Fett. Of course, they were really used to control the clones to kill the Jedi during Order 66 at the end of the Clone Wars. While this may not be a super-powered warship or missile, it was a big reason that the Jedi Order fell in a day, and allowed a Sith Lord to become the Emperor of the new Galactic Empire. The chip turned the clones, no matter how loyal they were to their Jedi General, against any Jedi or anyone in direct violation of Order 66. While everything pretty much went according to plan for the new Emperor Palpatine, some clones were able remove their chips successfully, such as Captain Rex, Commander Greggor, Commander Wolffe, and the Bad Batch.

3. The Dark Reaper

The Sith created the Dark Reaper in an armory on Thule during the Great Hyperspace War, and used it against the Galactic Republic. It worked by harvesting the Force with the Force Harvester, a device that killed anything within range by draining its Force energy and turning it into beams that dealt massive damage. While this Darkside weapon could deal great destruction, the Jedi did learn how to withstand the Dark Reaper and destroy it. Unfortunately, Count Dooku reconstructed the Dark Reaper almost four thousand years later. He would use the weapon on the planet Dac, killing millions. The Dark Reaper would later be destroyed by Anakin Skywalker after learning how to withstand the weapon's effects and destroying it with his TX-130 fighter tank.

2. The Death Star

The Death Star is arguably one of the most iconic symbols of Star Wars right next to the lightsaber. First introduced in A New Hope, the DS-1 Orbital Battle Station would be the ultimate challenge for the Rebel Alliance. The Empire did not waste any time in demonstrating the Death Star's power, using it to destroy the planet of Alderaan when Princess Leia refused to give up the rebel base. Despite how deadly and massive the Death Star was, its thermal exhaust port did have one fatal flaw. The Rebels would then exploit this flaw, bringing an explosive end to a planet-destroying weapon.

1. Starkiller Base

Starkiller Base was a military base located on the ice planet Ilum in the Unknown Regions of the galaxy. It was armed with a superweapon capable of destroying entire star systems halfway across the galaxy. This weapon managed to destroy the capital of the New Republic, Hosnian Prime, and four other planets in the Hosnian system. Much like the Death Star that came before this superweapon, it was built with one fatal flaw, which the Resistance, much like the Rebels, were happy to exploit.

While there are still plenty of superweapons out in the Star Wars galaxy, these are this writer's top 10. What superweapon would you add to this list, and what was your favorite?

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Source(s): Wookieepedia

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