Top 10 'Star Wars' Characters We Want To See In Live-Action

Star Wars has a library of characters that are lying in wait to be used in live action. It goes without saying that fans would jump at the chance to see many of them appear in a future film or television series.

10. Doctor Aphra

An archeologist by trade, Aphra was recruited by Vader in his solo comic series to follow through with a series of missions. She would be a fitting addition because she defies Vader without use of the Force and fakes her own death to escape his wrath. It could add a level to show just how persistent Vader was in his early years to not allow any defiance within the new Sith order.

9. Darth Sion

He was alive during the time of the Old Sith Wars and his origin story could lend well to the very first Star Wars horror film. After he is killed in battle he relied on focusing on all his pain, anger and hatred to reach immortality and took on the name Darth Sion. His decaying body, his fractured mind, and his embracing of all things negative would lend itself well to a very engaging and dark horror film, something Star Wars has yet to tackle.

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8. Bastila Shan

Shan led the Jedi during the Jedi Civil War and carried a unique ability. She had an ability called battle meditation which could boost the moral, stamina and overall capabilities of those who were in battle with her. She was tasked with leading a team to kill Darth Revan and Darth Malak. The story of her saving Revan, falling to the dark side herself, only to be saved by a redeemed Revan down the road could make for a really cool, intimate story about loss and redemption. These themes are heavy in the Star Wars universe already and this story seems tailor made to excel with fans in either streaming or movie format.

7. Cal Kestis

Cal is the main protagonist in the video game Jedi: Fallen Order where he sets out to track a Jedi Holocron that has the location of Force-sensitive children stored on it. Cal is voiced and motion captured by actor Cameron Monaghan so bringing him to life would not require too much effort. Cal is likable and a show or movie based on the game could be a major hit with the long term fans of the Star Wars universe.

6. Mara Jade

Jade was originally an assassin for the Emperor who later goes rogue after the Battle of Endor and becomes a smuggler and later, a Jedi Master. She also becomes the wife of Luke Skywalker. Her story, with a smaller role carved out for Luke, would be an interesting take. She has plenty of emotions and various themes present within her story. It would have to be a younger actor and actress that take on these respective roles as it would occur post Return of the Jedi. It would be cool for Luke to come full circle and find the love of his life through the opposite way his father did. By trying to show her the light in the galaxy.

5. Starkiller aka Galen Marek

Marek was introduced in the game The Force Unleashed and was billed as the apprentice of Vader himself. He is one of the most important characters in Star Wars Legends and most casual fans may not even know why. After he came up with a plot to overthrow the Emperor with Vader, he was ultimately betrayed by his master. He later helped Mon Mothma and many rebels escape the Death Star and ultimately died in the escape attempt. The symbol that the rebels then used was his former symbol. His impact on the larger story is forever there and this could be a smaller scale story, akin to Rogue One.

4. Darth Plagueis

The master of Palpatine could make for another smaller scale story of betrayal and greed. He was the one who could prevent others from dying but not himself. It would be amazing to see that true story unfold that Palpatine told to Anakin. It doesn't have to be a whole movie, even a short flashback in a series could really add the context necessary and it would be a really cool scene. Maybe even during Kenobi if there are some scenes between the Emperor and Vader, he could reveal the true nature of what occurred out of Vader's earshot so as to not disrupt the continuity that has been previously laid out in the original trilogy.

3. Darth Revan/Jedi Knight Revan

He is considered one of the most powerful Jedi to ever fall to the dark side. His story of betraying the Jedi only to be betrayed by the dark side could be a phenomenal one to watch take place in a limited series or movie. Seeing him appear in a limited series or even an anthology-based series, giving us more insight into the past of both the Jedi and the Sith would be amazing. The series essentially writes itself with him starting off as Jedi, going dark three or four episodes in, and ending on a 10th episode with him finding the light once again.

2. Mandalore the Great

He has to be adapted if the miniseries about Revan was to ever go into production, as he was only able to be taken down by two very powerful Jedi. It could lead to his own spinoff series detailing the very intricate customs of the Mandalorian culture and how his defeat left them in disarray. In Legends he is known as Mandalore The Ultimate, but essentially the origin story remains the same and he could easily make his transition to the silver screen or the big screen so fans can finally see him in live action.

1.Grand Admiral Thrawn

Originally introduced in 1991 in Heir to the Empire, Thrawn is known as ruthless and tactical. Where Vader and Palpatine do not wish to hear any ideas from the subordinates, Thrawn is known for accepting ideas if they add to his plans of galactic domination. Although most of the original stuff from 1991 onward has been declared non-canon, producer Dave Filoni saw the brilliance of the character and Thrawn has since been reintroduced into Star Wars Canon by way of Star Wars Rebels. It only makes sense for him to now make the jump into the mainstream live action stuff Filoni and Favreau are currently in charge of.

Star Wars has plenty of amazing characters to choose from to make the jump into live action. These 10 are my personal choices to either help fill in the lore or add to the stories that are already ongoing.

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