Top 10 MCU Iron Man Quotes

Gone, but certainly not forgotten, Tony Stark, as portrayed by Robert Downey Jr., remains one of the most beloved characters of the original Avengers line-up and the MCU in general. It was a part that fit RDJ like a glove (or gauntlet). One of the things that stood out most, thanks to RDJ’s natural charisma, was the many quotable lines uttered by Stark between Iron Man and Avengers: Endgame. So many that it made what I thought would be an easy enough job, picking out the top 10 quotes, a lot trickier than I imagined. What made the list? Did your favorite make it? Let’s see;

10. “The truth is…I am Iron Man” – Iron Man (2008)

I thought the best way to start our list was right at the start of Tony Stark’s decade-long story arc, when he first publicly announced that he was Iron Man, much to the dismay of Agent Coulson. In a world where heroes normally balance two alter-egos, this was a major step in a different direction and ultimately gave birth to the behemoth that is the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

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9. “We have a Hulk” – The Avengers (2012)

I always thought this was one of the best scenes in The Avengers. A lowkey but dramatic moment, where Loki and Stark come face to face before the bombastic final battle of New York. It’s almost civilized. Stark explains in no uncertain terms that Loki is fighting a losing battle, Loki points out that he has an army. Then, quick as anything, Tony replies “we have a hulk”.

8. “Doth mother know you weareth her drapes?” – The Avengers (2012)

While trying to intercept Loki, Iron Man meets and gets into a scrap with Thor. During which, Odin’s son stresses “You have no idea what you’re dealing with.” To which Tony replies hilariously “Uh…Shakespeare in the Park? Doth mother know you weareth her drapes?” It is the kind of quote big summer blockbusters like The Avengers are known for, but whether that’s the best way to introduce yourself to the god of thunder or not, Tony doesn’t care. He’s still going to make his snappy little Bard comment.

7. “It’s good to meet you, Dr. Banner. Your Work on anti-electron collisions is unparalleled. And I’m a huge fan of the way you lose control and turn into an enormous green rage monster.” – The Avengers (2012)

Again, from The Avengers, the master of quips shares some words of genuine praise for Banner’s scientific research work, as well as the fact that he turns into the Hulk.

6. “Genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist.” – The Avengers (2012)

This is another line from Phase 1 where Stark is unashamedly boastful. While arguing, Steve Rogers tries to make a point about Tony Stark being nothing without the suit by saying “big man in a suit of armor. Take that off, what are you?” Unfortunately, as it turns out, a lot of things.

5. “Actually, he’s the Boss. (Pointing to Captain America) I just pay for everything and design everything, make everyone look cooler.” – Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015)

This may be a bit of a wildcard choice, but I really love the way Tony responds to Maria Hill informing him that everything is “all set up boss.” The fact that Stark manages to show respect for Captain America’s position in the Avengers while also undermining him a little is classic Tony Stark. He’s not lying, a lot of what they have was down to Tony, but yeah Captain America is the boss.

4. “If we can’t accept limitations, we’re boundaryless, we’re no better than the bad guys.” – Captain America: Civil War (2016)

Whether you are Team Stark or Team Cap during the split in Captain America: Civil War, you can’t deny that Tony makes a salient point here. Part of what makes good people good is that they have a level of restraint and control that bad people don’t.

3. “If we can’t protect the world, you can be damn sure we’ll avenge it” – The Avengers (2012)

This was the point in the movie when it actually occurred to me why they are called the Avengers. Perfectly summed up and the closing line to one of my favorite scenes in the whole movie. Downey really sells it.

2. “I love you 3000” – Avengers: Endgame (2019)

I did have a mini-dilemma when trying to find the perfect quote to close out this list. I decided this should have the number two spot, as the number one choice is the perfect quote to complete Tony’s story arc. This is not quippy, not funny (even if it is charming when he tries to suggest that Morgan does not love Pepper quite as much as him), but it’s the emotion of this line. This is mature Tony, dad Tony, and it would be insane not to rank a quote that became an insanely popular hashtag around the release of the movie. I don’t know about anyone else, but this also got me right in the feels, when he offers it as a posthumous message to the people he loved the most.

Which leaves...

1.“And I… am… Iron Man!” – Avengers: Endgame (2019)

Is there any other way we could complete this list than the same way we started it? In response to Thanos’ “I am…inevitable” Tony reminds Thanos, just before he is dusted, who bested him with this incredible line.

Honorable Mentions

Tony said a lot of stuff and not much of it is less than A-grade, so I thought I’d pick some of the best of the rest.

“If you’re nothing without the suit, then you shouldn’t have it” - Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)

Wise words from Tony to Peter Parker, that he has learned the hard way.

“Stay close to the ground. Build up your game helping little people, like that lady that bought you the churro. Can’t you just be a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man” – Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)

Wise advice from Tony to Peter about building his career and status as a superhero cleverly references Spidey’s self-referential comment from the comics.

“Don’t do anything I would do, and definitely don’t do anything I wouldn’t do…” – Spider-Man: Homecoming (2017)

Another from Tony to Peter…different type of advice this time.

“The Avengers. That’s what we call ourselves; we’re sort of like a team. ‘Earth’s Mightiest Heroes’ type thing.” – The Avengers (2012)

Another great callback to the comic books. Tony again explains succinctly what the Avengers are and why Loki should be concerned.

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Source(s):, Screen Rant, IMDb

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