Theory: Will Moff Gideon Be 'The Mandalorian's' Darth Vader?

Moff Gideon

Since the premiere of The Mandalorian, one of the most anticipated characters mentioned in the series was Giancarlo Esposito's, Moff Gideon. Though he did not make an official onscreen appearance until Chapter Seven: The Reckoning, his importance, and influence have been built up before stepping onto the screen. Throughout the series, no one truly knows Gideon's motivation for wanting Grogu. All anyone knows is he must be brought alive. Even Gideon's reason for wanting Grogu, not to mention paying a high price for him, is questioned. No one knows Gideon's motives, but this air of mystery could prove beneficial for this character.

Not knowing a character's backstory or having limited knowledge about them provides a more menacing feel for characters like Moff Gideon. Unfortunately, all we know about him is secondhand from those around him. Even after his introduction, his actions are relayed secondhand by two troopers who anxiously await orders to deliver Grogu to the Moff. While these actions may not have the same gravitas as Darth Vader's famous entrance and his ruthlessness, Gideon's unseen actions have just as much (if not more) power to make him dangerous and just as much an adversary as Darth Vader.


According to George R.R Martin's Clash of Kings, "The unseen enemy is always the most fearsome." This is proven true with Moff Gideon. Unlike his predecessor Darth Vader, his character is not seeking power out of some misguided attempt to save someone he loves or gain access to restricted knowledge. In addition, Gideon has yet to be given an origin story. The audience has little to no understanding of how sensitive to the Force the Moff is, given his possession of the Darksaber and the fascination with Baby Yoda, and explicit rules to bring the Child to him alive. Instead, knowledge of Gideon's character is provided through his possessions and how others interact with him.

In the seventh episode of the first season, the Moff is first seen virtually. He is quick to correct the Client that Baby Yoda is not with the Mandalorian, Cara, and Greef Karga. It is clear that getting his hands on Grogu "means more to me than [the Mandalorian] will ever know." Despite his physical presence, the Moff has enough understanding of Mando's growing attachment to Grogu or sensitivity to the Force to know he was being lied to. He was (most likely) told about Mando stealing Baby Yoda back in the third episode of the first season and is working under the assumption that Mando is coming to the realization that Grogu is no ordinary bounty. Thus, he took matters into his own hands resulting in the death of Kuiil. Even without having a physical hand in the actions taking place, the blood of Kuiil and scores of other people are on his hands. All before he takes his first step onto the screen. Upon his entrance, Gideon's ruthlessness and power are further explored.

Like Vader, the Moff is someone expecting respect, ready to prove his authority, and has a history of being involved in war and bloodshed. Based on what is known about Moff Gideon, he's a former Imperial governor trying to hold onto the power he still has by leading an Imperial remnant group after the events of the Battle of Endor. With his power, he waged war on Mandalore, resulting in Mando becoming an orphan. Perhaps Gideon hopes to regain more power to exemplify what Darth Vader once was. While Moff may plan to expand his clout by becoming a symbol of power for the Empire like Darth Vader, there is some validity to the power he has clung to.

Clearly, no one wants to get on the wrong side of someone who kills a dozen of his own men to "prove a point." Not to mention, the last person who owned the Darksaber was later owned by the first Mandalorian Jedi, Tarre Vizla. After his death, the Darksaber was passed along to Pre Vizla and Maul. Given how its last known owner was Bo-Katan Kryze, Gideon could have obtained the Darksaber after Kryze was killed in the Star Wars: Rebel series. True or not, it makes Moff's potential for a backstory and his connection to Mando intriguing. Perhaps this is something that might get explored in the third season.

Moff Gideon holding the darksaber on top of a TIE

While The Mandalorian has more to explore in its series run, one thing needing more time and attention would be the looming threat that is Moff Gideon. If Espositio's well-known portrayal of drug kingpin and distributor Gus Fring has taught viewers anything, it's how one person can use whatever amount of time they have to make a lasting impact. It can take a strategic look, a change of one's breath, and how a string of words is spoken to make someone a force to be reckoned with. Darth Vader had his towering presence, inhuman strength, and high sensitivity to the Force. Moff Gideon might have something to prove to have to fill such shoes to be seen as a threat as Darth Vader. Gideon could have a good start with a thirst for power and control. His power would be nearly limitless if he knew how to wield "his" Darksaber. More so, Gideon wouldn't have an authority figure like Emperor Palpatine to answer to.

Moff Gideon isn't trapped by a power he doesn't understand after vain attempts to change his fate. The Moff entered into his rank and power (possibly) willingly, thus making him a more formidable villain. As he does everything within his ability to restore his power and influence, there's no telling what lengths Gideon will go to...whether he was able to obtain Grogu or not. With Grogu, there's no telling what destruction Gideon would cause when in range of someone sensitive to the Force.

Moff Gideon and Darth Vader

While the Star Wars universe gave us descendants from Darth Vader's bloodline, they managed to do better despite the legacy Vader bound them to. Meanwhile, Gideon has the chance to pick up where Vader left off. He could want Grogu's power for himself, as he was harvesting something from the creature in the third episode. Another possibility is Gideon desiring to just subject Grogu to whatever might come to mind. With viewers having more questions than answers, the buildup to the mystery results in more fear of the unknown from a menacing man ready to wage war to get what he wants.



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