Theory: Will Commander Cody Appear In 'Obi-Wan Kenobi'?

"Sometimes in war, it's hard to be the one that survives."

This is what Commander Cody says to Captain Rex in Star Wars: The Clone Wars' Season 7 premier episode, when the latter talks about the clone brothers they've lost throughout the war. The clones have always been one of the most tragic parts of Star Wars. Created from birth to fight alongside, and eventually betray, their Jedi Generals, they were always intended to be a means to an end for Darth Sidious' rise to power. Though they were granted a degree of free will within their military ranks, they were secretly implanted with inhibitor chips which would make them turn on the Jedi at the uttering of three words; "Execute Order 66."

Despite this, a few clones, such as Rex, Wolffe, and Gregor, were able to overcome their predestined programming and turn on the Galactic Empire they were designed to serve. Sadly though, the vast majority of the clones would never break from the influence of their chips and continued to serve the Emperor until they were either killed in action or forcibly retired. Unfortunately, this would also appear to be the current fate of Cody.

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As the leader of the 212th Attack Battalion, Cody and his brothers fought alongside Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi through all three years of the Clone Wars. From Christophsis to Yerbana, Obi-Wan and Cody were practically inseparable, defeating legions of battle droids and even personally taking on General Grievous. But just like the rest of his brothers, Cody would become a part of the Great Jedi Purge near the end of the war. As Obi-Wan rode away on his steed, Boga, amidst the Battle of Utapau, seen in Revenge of the Sith, Cody was contacted by Sidious, who then issued the notorious order and left the Commander to complete his assignment. As instructed, Cody ordered his battalion to fire on Obi-Wan, causing him and Boga to fall into the water below.

Though Obi-Wan survived and went on to protect Luke Skywalker on Tatooine, Cody would remain with the Empire, presumably assisting in the Emperor's conquest of the galaxy and hunting down any surviving Jedi and other rebels. While Cody has still yet to be seen in anything following Revenge of the Sith and his official fate remains unconfirmed, I believe we may finally get to see Cody during the time of the Empire very soon. By that, I mean he may be playing a role in the upcoming Obi-Wan Kenobi series.

Starring Ewan McGregor as the titular Jedi, the limited series will follow Obi-Wan as he is hunted by the Emperor's Inquisitors and must temporarily leave Tatooine in order to prevent Luke from being found by the Empire. With Darth Vader personally leading the hunt for his former master, the series is set to explore Obi-Wan's character as he deals with the events of the Clone Wars and comes face to face with his fallen apprentice once more. Vader is clearly set on finding Obi-Wan and making him suffer for leaving Vader to die on Mustafar. We also know Vader's penchant for cruelty and getting under his opponents' skin.

With Vader having a personal connection to Obi-Wan and knowing the people he was closest to, would it be too out there to guess that Vader would send someone Obi-Wan cared about to participate in the hunt for him? If that does end up being the case, I believe Cody would be the perfect candidate. Having to fight Cody as a stormtrooper would be difficult for Obi-Wan, weakening his morale and making him an easier target for Vader and the Inquisitors. Having Cody join in the hunt for Obi-Wan would not only present the Jedi with a strong personal challenge, but also add to Obi-Wan's struggle of trying to cope with all of the emotional hardships he faced throughout the prequel trilogy.

If there's one thing that Obi-Wan and Cody both know, it's how hard it is to be the one that survives. The relationship between one of the last surviving Jedi and one of the last surviving clones is a story that has yet to be concluded. So I think seeing these old friends reunite one last time in Obi-Wan Kenobi, whether as friend or foe, might be satisfying for everyone.

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