'The Rise Of Skywalker' Has Been Visually Changed On Disney+


Some Star Wars fans from all over the world have ranked The Rise of Skywalker as the worst film from the sequel trilogy, citing a lack of character growth, a lack of plot, and lazy storytelling, thus making some fans forget the mistake that The Last Jedi made, as The Rise of Skywalker made what some argued to be mistakes that damaged many moments from the actual Skywalker saga. Although the film was bashed by critics and fans, Disney and Lucasfilm wanted to give it a better visual experience. 

Earlier this week, it was reported that Disney+ released an updated cut of The Rise of Skywalker, with an updated color perspective. It seems that the old color palettes worked well for the movie theaters, yet it didn’t work quite well for television. As a result, Disney has updated the color palette for The Rise of Skywalker in efforts to make a more appealing experience to the viewer. As shown in the image below by Twitter user @PalpyYT, There has been a slight change in the color correction of the film. The dark blue tones have gone to a more light-greenish tone that allows the viewer to have better view during the many dark scenes in the film, which were a bit difficult to watch before. 

There were many complaints regarding the dark visual aspects of the film when it was first released on Disney+. Fortunately for all the fans of the film, and Star Wars fans in general, the film has been upgraded with a brand new lighter color palette that allows the viewer to appreciate every detail hidden on every frame of the film. Even if Episode IX is regarded by some to be the worst film of the sequel trilogy, it is still considered one of the most visually stunning films from the entire Skywalker saga. The film’s contrasting colors help the viewer see the different perspective of good and evil, of peace and chaos, and of the Jedi and the Sith. 

Despite how controversial this film turned out to be, it is also considered one of the most fun and action-packed films out of all the Star Wars films. Although the film is packed with action and has amazing and breathtaking visuals, a pretty film does not indicate that it is a better one. To some, The Rise of Skywalker may never compare to films like The Empire Strikes Back, or even Revenge of the Sith.

Despite the criticisms, The Rise of Skywalker is a part of Star Wars. Many fans often forget about what Star Wars truly means when they fight over which Star Wars movie is the best, or which one is the worst. Star Wars is a hero’s journey, a space opera, and an adventure that takes kids and big kids into another universe. George’s Star Wars story started with Anakin, and ended with Anakin. The sequel trilogy, however, took the sequels into a journey that changed many important points of George’s Star Wars. But at the end of the day, Star Wars can still be enjoyed by fans. Even if some fans believe that Star Wars should only be a certain way, the truth is that Star Wars, the old, and the new, will always be a hero’s journey. 

The sequel trilogy might be very controversial, but it still followed the hero’s journey elements from past Star Wars films. It connected fans from the original trilogy, and the prequel trilogy, and showed us all many amazing new planets in the Star Wars galaxy that we’ve never seen before. The film also connected us to amazing moments with our beloved Princess, and closed up one of the most amazing stories ever known to cinema.

Source(s): Comic Book Movie

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