Tom Hanks Jokes About Marvel's Apparent Lack Of Interest In Him

There is no denying it, Tom Hanks is a Hollywood icon. From his humble beginnings in Mazes and Monsters to his comedic work on films like Splash, Big, and Turner & Hooch to more dramatic turns in Philadelphia, Forrest Gump, and Apollo 13, Tom Hanks has become engraved within our pop culture consciousness. He has become a fan favorite among many movie-goers, Generations have heard of him.

Also entering the pop culture consciousness is the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Though superhero movies have been around since at least the Golden Age, 2008’s Iron Man set off a chain reaction that changed the entire landscape of the genre, for better and for worse. 2012’s Avengers in particular is proving to be a game changer. It has inspired numerous other cinematic universe’s, most notably Warner Bros’ so called “DC Extended Universe,” and made Disney, who purchased Marvel, a lot of money in the process.

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Naturally, there have been at least a few calls to put Tom Hanks in a Marvel movie, and why not? They have already put in such movie stars as Kurt Russell, Samuel L. Jackson, and Kirk Douglas. Besides, this would be far from Tom Hanks’s first job for Disney, as many 90’s kids will remember his voice over work as Woody in the Toy Story franchise, and he has just been recently cast as Geppetto in a live-action remake of one of Disney's vintage film, Pinocchio. So, have there been any offers yet?

No, not yet. It seems like the bandwagon has skipped over one of Hollywood's famous icons for now. Never say never, but it is clear that Hanks has not been considered at all, yet. Of course, that could one day change, but for now, fans will just have to accept an MCU Phase 4 without Tom Hanks, which should not be too hard, to be fair.

That is not to say that Tom Hanks has not been a good sport about all of this. In an interview with Will Arnett, Jason Bateman, and Sean Hayes for their podcast, The SmartLess Podcast, Tom Hanks poked fun at it all, having this to say:

"Here's the problem... First of all, they've never called me once. Nope, never. And I think that if one of these days they will, they'd say, 'Is there any way you'd consider playing a secretary of defense?' (laughs) Ya know, a guy who comes and says, 'Please, help us, Ultraman, we can't survive!' I'd be one of those guys. I don't get to play the punk..."

Of course, no one has been specifically asking him to play a Marvel superhero per se, but the idea of Hanks playing a mere “secretary of defense” is not what everyone has in mind either. Still, Hanks has proven to be a versatile actor before, so he should be able to play the role well. Who knows, maybe he will get to play a canon Marvel character after all? Stranger things have happened, and as we all know, casting for movies is a far out game, even by the standards of Hollywood.

Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and many folks are heading home for a feast with their families. Regardless of one's thoughts on the holiday, Thanksgiving gives us a break from modern life and a chance to be thankful for what we have. Plus, it gives us a good excuse to make our readers think about various pop culture topics, like casting. So here’s a question from us at Culture Slate, which celebrity would YOU like to see in a Marvel movie? And what role would you like to see them in. Until next time, face front, true believers, and excelsior!

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Source(s): Screen Rant

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