Taika Waititi Says He Hopes That 'Star Wars' Will Be His Next Film

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There is no doubt that Taika Waititi is one of the most talented, funniest, and greatest directors of our current time. Waititi, who is responsible for the award-winning film Jojo Rabbit, will also be re-entering the Marvel Cinematic Universe with Thor: Love and Thunder, which he has expressed his excitement about all over social media whenever he talks about the project. Although his current focus is on the Marvel film, he is mostly excited to start his upcoming untitled Star Wars project.

During Disney’s Investor Day, Lucasfilm reiterated that Taika Waititi would be making a whole new Star Wars feature. The project is yet to have a title and is yet to receive a release date, but Lucasfilm seems to have emphasized that this film will have nothing to do with the Skywalker saga, or any of the current Star Wars timeline. The story for this upcoming film will be a whole new story, and is expected to introduce new characters, worlds, and adventures. 

Recently, Taika spoke to the Sydney Morning Herald about his new Marvel project, and revealed that he can’t wait for his Star Wars project, as he believes that this film will be his biggest project yet. He also promised that it will be bigger, and packed with action. Taika is a huge Star Wars fan which means this upcoming project will be a dream come true for the New Zealand  director. 

"I don’t know if that’s going to be Star Wars," Waititi replied when asked what's next after Thor: Love and Thunder. "I hope it’ll be that but there’s a whole lot of other little things that I’ve got my sticky little fingers attached to so we’ll see."

Star Wars fans from all over the world are extremely excited to finally receive a brand new Star Wars story that won’t take place within the Skywalker saga, the times of the Clone Wars, or the harsh times of Empire. This story  has no known plot details yet, but fans are just excited to receive something brand new to the Star Wars universe.

Taika did not give any details on when this new upcoming Star Wars will actually begin its early stages of pre-production, or when production for the film will start. The only thing that the New Zealand director revealed was his never-ending excitement to begin working on the project. It is a lot to express your excitement about a project in Hollywood, especially when you’re working for a studio like Marvel, to say you’re very excited to work on what's coming next. Taika is one of those directors who always seems excited about his work, and any new project he is working on. 

After the mixed reception of the sequel trilogy, it is extremely exciting to see a new upcoming story within the Star Wars galaxy, especially knowing that it won’t take place in the timeline of the sequel trilogy, or any of the other pre-existing eras. Taika seems to be aiming to deliver to all Star Wars fans a brand new experience, and knowing the New Zealand director and his amazing sense of humor, the film will display many wacky moments that will bring endless laughter to Star Wars fans around the world. Taika is also famous for his action-packed scenes, and the way he introduces characters is also wonderful to see. These factors should make for many amazing and memorable moments in this new upcoming Star Wars project. This film could also have many unexpected strong moments that will shock the audiences, perhaps even leaving the fans speechless.

Whether this upcoming Star Wars project be in the near future or the distant future is still yet to be seen. All we know is that Taika will probably blow our minds with his take on this new Star Wars adventure.

Source(s): ComicBook.com

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