'Star Wars: The Mandalorian's' Best Episodes According To IMDb Rankings


The Mandalorian series is easily one of the best new Star Wars properties to be introduced by Disney since purchasing Lucasfilm. Not every episode is perfect, but there's a lot of great stuff to unpack. The show works best when it's bold and original and letting the characters develop and shine. The Mandalorian makes the story of a lonely man and a child finding family in each other so emotional for every viewer. Here are episodes ranked from worst to best based on IMDd rankings.

16. "Chapter 5: The Gunslinger" - 7.6

"While there maybe wasn't as much action in this episode as there was in Chapter 3, the character development and overall story really comes through in this episode. It wasn't boring or packed with action, it was a good mix between the two, especially for episode 5 out of 8. Overall, the reason I give this 10 stars is because of how much they nailed the Star Wars vibe in this episode. Nothing gave more of a Star Wars feel than the Mandalorian riding a landspeeder through Tusken Raider territory."


Hands down the worst of the series. Nostalgia is one thing, but the utter dearth of new ideas here just makes the bountiful references a glaring reminder that this has all been done much better before.

15. "Chapter 4: Sanctuary" - 7.8

"Besides this Is not a Cartoon storyline, as some say, it actually draws inspiration from Seven Samurai, one of the greatest films of all time. One flaw I could give It to It Is that the plot Is kind of rushed and maybe It could've taken a little More Time, I mean yeah, the conflict gets solved way too fast, but hey at least It does It well."


The episode was way too safe, and I consider it a filler episode that drags.

14. "Chapter 10: The Passenger" - 7.9

"This episode might not give you a thrill but still paved the way for what's going to occur in the further episodes. On the way to Mando's journey, a passenger and the adventures were definitely highlightable."


The second episode of the season still manages to be pretty entertaining on its own as Baby Yoda's appetite causes chaos and Mando finds the New Republic on his tail. It's definitely a smaller, more standalone story, and more like a filler episode than one that is vital.

13. "Chapter 6: The Prisoner" - 8.3

"This episode is ridiculous. It is literally a play on suicide squad and then had a character that was obviously a play off of Spaceballs.

When you have a limited series like this with only a handful of episodes you want them to all be high quality and purposeful. To really dig deep with the characters and plot development. If you have 20 episodes and just need to spit out episodes then I expect crap like this. Otherwise, this was really wasted time and money on this episode."


It's simple, effective, and offers us a wildly different episode to set-up new introspective episodes of the show because. Of course, every heist needs a crew.

12. "Chapter 12: The Siege" - 8.4

"All the different facets of the plot lined up. Great direction from CARL WEATHERS, outstanding production design, superb cinematography, and of course the Ludwig score."


Great direction from Carl Weathers with one of the most significant episodes we've seen so far. As much as The Mandalorian relies on older Star Wars connections, the fact that it also stands so well within its own canon and worldbuilding can only be a good thing.

11. "Chapter 2: The Child" - 8.6

"This episode excited me as a Star Wars fan. Just when I had given up on Disney making good Star Wars, I have a New Hope! I want a baby yoda merch! With a floating crib to follow me everywhere."


Short, but effective, the episode "The Child" answers some questions but moves the story along.

10. "Chapter 1: The Mandalorian" - 8.7

"It was all I wanted and more from a Star Wars show. Badass moments, great CGI and effects, and shocking moments. Cannot wait to see more, plus the ending blew my mind."


What a solid live-action directorial debut from Dave Filoni, introducing the audience to a different side of Star Wars that the audience hadn't seen since Return of the Jedi. It is a visual feast with enough sense of adventure to inspire hope that the Force may be strong with the series.

9. "Chapter 11: The Heiress" - 8.8

"First of all kudos to Bryce Dallas Howard for directing this episode. Although I liked her episode from last season, this one beats it by miles. The episode was a little short in length but I think it's better that they are not putting in unnecessary filler scenes to just stretch to a 50 minute long episode. I have spoken."


Bryce Dallas Howard returns for her second round behind the camera to deliver an action-packed installment that has enough Easter eggs to keep diehards happy, while setting up plenty of exciting things to come. Considering how sparse the storytelling for The Mandalorian was in season 1, it's interesting to see how this episode is much more complex even as it ties into previous Star Wars lore.

8. "Chapter 9: The Marshal" - 8.9

"First off, WOW, the scale of this episode is absolutely epic and quiet the redemption from "The Gunslinger" and giving Tatooine a great episode. I was worried going in this was going to be a bit more childish because season one became the show of the year but it seems to have kept the same tone as the first season which is always a plus."


With surprising twists, delightful turns, and tons of turbo-loaded action, "The Marshal" is a spectacular return for season 2. Not to mention that Timothy Olyphant portrays Cobb Vanth in the episode, and Temuera Morrison brings the role of Boba Fett back to life.

7. "Chapter 15: The Believer" - 9.0

"Can't believe episodes are this short yet so whole! Just give carte blanche to the people behind this show, regarding any future Star Wars movies and shows. Mayfeld is definitely my new favorite character for the moment; for his humor and sincerity in this episode; but their rebel righteous group are all badasses and likable."


6. "Chapter 7: The Reckoning" - 9.1

"Superbly directed, smoothly paced and featuring excellent chemistry between the characters, this must come close to thirty five of the best minutes of any Star Wars ever made. Within the first few scenes, you will be quoting Admiral Akbar, but stay calm and enjoy the ride, there are a couple of humdinger twists that will leave you choked."


The episode was refreshing for westernized sci-fi and a much-needed breath of fresh air that leaves viewers rabid thanks to how thrilling and entertaining it is. The season unfolds so simply and carefully, and then this episode sets up the climax for season 1 with "Chapter 8."

5. "Chapter 3: The Sin" - 9.1

"Despite that the fact that this episode began to show a bit more signs of its limited budget in regards to the grand effects, this might just be the best episode of the season so far. Jon Favreau has a great knowledge of this particular group of character, and the lore that he seems to further on is so interesting, and the entire idea of a new wave of these guys coming to the surface is something that I can't wait to see what'll they do with."


Director Deborah Chow brings the action in 'The Sin," an effective and exciting installment that pushes deeper into The Mandalorian's story. Meanwhile, Baby Yoda has emerged as the shining star of The Mandalorian, the standout character who keeps fans coming back for more.

4. "Chapter 14: The Tragedy" - 9.2

"Probably the best episode yet! Finally NOT just another "side quest"... all I can say is that these 30 minutes had everything. It was exciting, emotional and wildly different from the other episodes in season two and the whole series."


This episode was action-packed, mythology-heavy, and emotionally stirring, and Robert Rodriguez has to be praised for his confident direction and eye for action in this episode.

3. "Chapter 8: Redemption" - 9.3

"The whole first season of this show has been a love letter not just to Star Wars, but to its fans as well. Contrast this to the way the people behind the sequel trilogy treated fans and you have a big reason for its failure right there. The Mandalorian has provided us with interesting characters, a great main story, fun side stories, awesome additions to the lore; as well as respecting the established lore, and much more. The finale bookends a great first season to this series."


What a great way to end season 1 without going too far into camp territory. Awesome use of heroism, sacrifice, humor, excitable nods to key franchise elements, and tantalizing teases of where the Disney+ show could go in Season 2.

2. "Chapter 13: The Jedi" - 9.5

"Going into this, I've seen one episode of clone wars and I'm not even sure which episode that was. As a casual star wars fan, this was perfect television. I hated The Last Jedi not because of what they did to the characters, only because the plot made no sense and it just existed to subvert your expectations without serving the story.

This, on the other hand, had a perfect story. Felt Kurosawa-inspired to me. Action was great, characters in every scene have an obvious motivation. No twists or unpredictable moments to throw off the audience, yet the surprises serve the plot perfectly."


Seeing Rosario Dawson's debut as a live-action adult Ahsoka Tano in "The Jedi" episode was great. Loved hearing about Grogu’s backstory finally after all this time.

1. "Chapter 16: The Rescue" - 9.8

This episode has everything you could ask for as a Star Wars fan! It's acting, action, script, cinematography, soundtrack and emotion is incredible. It leaves you thinking what a wasted opportunity the new trilogy was and questioning why Favreau was not part of the creative team earlier. OUTSTANDING!!


Hands down the best episode of the series so far. Lots of different emotions toward the end and it’s very rare that a show can do that.

Source(s): IMDb

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