'Star Wars: The Bad Batch' Episode 1 Breakdown


After weeks of waiting, The Bad Batch has finally arrived. Episode 1 was a whopping 70 minutes long, and despite giving us so much information, still seemed to leave me wanting more. With so much information, let's review:

**Spoiler Warning In Force***


Episode 1 (aptly named "Aftermath") begins with Clone Force 99 showing up to aid Jedi Master Depa Billaba and her clone troopers, who are under heavy fire from a battalion of droids. They are brought by her Padawan, Caleb Dume. Fans of the TV series Rebels will know Caleb as Kanus Jarrus, one of the show's main characters.

The team make short work of the droids and suggest a counter attack be made. However, squadmate Tech states it may not be necessary, as he hears communications stating General Kenobi has made contact with General Grievous on Utapau, meaning the episode begins about halfway through the events of Revenge of Sith.

Master Billaba authorizes Clone Force 99 to "do what they do," with the agreement being Caleb go with them. However, as the camera pans back to Billaba, we see a clone trooper in the background move offscreen, and the distinct noise of a hologram message. It is Palpatine himself delivering Order 66. The clone troopers turn on Billaba, sadly ending her life, but not before she tells young Caleb to run, who is then chased by Hunter, stating he doesn't know what has happened and seems to be unaffected by the order. It then becomes apparent that all the team have been unaffected by the order and do not actually understand it, except for Crosshair, who takes a shot at the Padawan. Clone troopers explain that the Jedi have been accused of treason.

Putting up a good fight, Dume does not trust Hunter's attempts to help and manages to escape thanks to an impressive Force jump across a huge ravine. Crosshair, who was knocked unconscious previously by Dume, arrives, and Hunter tells him he stunned the Jedi as he jumped, causing him to fall into the river and die. A line Crosshair seemingly doesn't buy.

And that was just the first 13 minutes!!!

Following this, the team head back to the cloning facility on Kamino. Crosshair makes it clear that he is suspicious Hunter is lying about the Jedi's death, but an escort asking for clearance codes from them soon changes the subject as they state it is unusual. When they land, they see an immediate difference. Shock troopers from Coruscant are there and they appear to be removing the body of a fallen Jedi. They also meet a child named Omega who is apparently a medical assistant for chief scientist Nala Se.

We then get a great little explanation from Tech regarding what is going on. He explains the inhibitor chips in "Regs" (regular clones) are what is causing them to follow orders without question and their genetic mutations must have affected it, hence why they don't. They are brought to an assembly where a holographic projection of Palpatine plays out his speech from Revenge of the Sith, declaring that the Republic will become the Empire. All the clones cheer, except the Bad Batch.


A space shuttle arrives, bringing with it a familiar face, Wilhuff Tarkin, now an Admiral in charge of preparing the Imperial Fleet. He meets with the Kaminoan Prime Minister Lama Su and states questions are being asked about the need for further clones now that the war has ended, explaining regular conscriptions would work just as well and be cheaper. This seems to be hinting at us getting an onscreen version of the Empire moving from clones to stormtroopers.

Following a canteen fight caused by Omega, the Bad Batch (believing they are to be reprimanded) are actually told to attend a battle simulation. It turns out Tarkin is there to actually assess the clones. After completing the simulation with relevant ease, Tarkin orders live rounds be used instead of stunning rounds. This leads to Hunter taking a hit and the team having to come up with an alternate plan, which they do, and succeed, highlighting just how good these guys are.

Due to their methods, Tarkin questions their loyalty, citing all they knew was the Jedi on the planet Kaller were dead, but not who actually did it. With this in mind, he gives the team an assignment to wipe out Separatist insurgents on Onderon. He also asks the Kaminoans more about the team and their numbers. He is told they are gentetically enhanced clones and that there are now only five left, suggesting there used to be more.


Before taking off, Omega tells Hunter she doesn't trust Tarkin and believes he has it out for the team. She asks to go with them, but is told no and leaves telling Hunter and the team not to return.

Arriving on Onderon, they reach the insurgents camp where they find it to be made up of people and children, instead of droids. They are captured and taken to the camp where they are greeted by Saw Gerrera, a Clone Wars veteran who was trained by Obi Wan and Anakin to fight for the Republic. Gerrera explains that they are fighting against the Empire, stating that to allow it to happen would be a dishonor to those who gave their lives and what they were fighting for. Handing Hunter back his weapon, he and his people are allowed to escape. Crosshair is visibly furious about what went down and continues to state that they should be following orders. He confronts Hunter, who draws his weapon, but fires at a probe droid sent to spy on them by Tarkin.

Unsure where to go now, Tech points out that Tarkin believes the five enhanced clones to be the five team members. However, this is not true, as Echo was a regular clone captured by the Separatists and experimented on, causing his enhancements. Tech explains that Omega is the fifth, which makes Hunter decide to go back to Kamino and rescue her.

Upon arriving on Kamino, they are immediately apprehended by a squad of clones and Tarkin, who confirms the probe droid reported what happened and implies they have committed treason for conspiring with Gerrera, leading them to be locked away. The cell they are locked in also happens to hold Omega, reuniting her with the team. After an argument between Hunter and Crosshair, where the latter accuses Hunter of being unfit to lead the team, troopers take Crosshair away. He is taken to some sort of medical bay where it is confirmed that Order 66 was successful, but not as much as the regular clones. Tarkin asks if it is possible to make it stronger, to which the answer is yes, and we see Crosshair apparently being reprogrammed.


Thanks to Wrecker's strength, the rest of the team are able to escape the cell with Omega and head back toward their ship. Hunter tells Omega to get onboard with Echo while he and Wrecker go back for Crosshair. From behind them, a shield door opens and out pour some clone troopers, followed by Crosshair, who it seems has switched sides and turned against his once brothers in arms, which visibly hurts Hunter.

Following a short shootout, where Wrecker is again shot, the team manage to escape with Omega, leaving Kamino and Crosshair behind. They discuss where to go now, and Hunter advises Echo to head for J-19 as he "knows a guy." The episode ends with Omega being amazed by the view of Hyperspace.


The above is merely a breakdown of the first episode, and it does not do it justice at all. The only way to describe the emotions caused by it, is to tell you to watch it. In this writer's opinion, Dave Filoni has once again shown that he gets it and he is here to look out for the fans, knowing exactly what we want. I, for one, cannot wait to tune in every week to find out more. Who is Omega and how does she fit into everything? Who is the old friend and what or where is J-19? Are we actually going to see clone troopers turn into stormtroopers?

As always, we shall keep you posted.

Until next time, may the 4th be with you!

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