Someone Recreated The Last Scene From 'The Clone Wars' In Unreal Engine


The creativity of fans for what they love is amazing. What may be even more amazing is when fans take their love and find cool new ways to represent it. Star Wars fans are no exception. Some of these fans also appear to have an affinity for Epic's Unreal Engine. A group of loyal fans have remade the ending scenes of The Clone Wars in Unreal Engine IV. We have seen people remake several games using the various iterations of the Unreal Engine, and they do keep getting more impressive. That is not to say that the original scenes of The Clone Wars look bad, which they don't, but it is interesting to see how they look in this game engine.

The original scenes are already fantastic and have some incredibly powerful moments in them. the graves of the clone troopers with the clone helmets serving as grave markers have a lot of weight behind them. Then Ashoka drops her lightsaber in front of one of the graves, which is followed by her leaving with Rex. Presumably, years later, we see Darth Vader find the gravesite and the lightsaber, which he picks up and then ignites. The scene serves as a haunting reminder of the clones' humanity and also the tragedy that befell them, Ashoka, Rex, and Anakin.

I would not say the scenes needed any improvement. However, it is interesting to see the scene shown in a different art style. The Unreal Engine has a beautiful way of rendering scenes to add more detail, color, depth, and ambiance to whatever is being shown. Fans have done this with several franchises from Zelda to Doom and even other Star Wars scenes. This one adds a level of realism to the scene that makes it look like it could be right out of one of the main movie entries. It looks like it would be the next-generation Star Wars game we all deserve. The added detail of the game engine allows for all the subtleties of the scenes to come through more powerful.

While I love this scene and the original, I can't help but think of the possibilities of Star Wars running on the Unreal Engine. We have already seen the wonders of Jedi: Fallen Order, but I certainly hope that it isn't the last time we see the series paired with that engine. The potential of Star Wars paired with Epic's engine could lead to not only some truly beautiful games, but also more Star Wars games that could shatter our perception of what a Star Wars game should be. As stated above, there have been several other Star Wars projects remade in the Unreal Engine, and I think that speaks for itself of the potential of what a game could do on that engine. There is, of course, a lot more consideration that goes into picking an engine for a game, but I think the amount of creativity from the fans should be a clear sign of the potential.

That doesn't take away from the absolutely amazing work that the team did on this recreation. It looks gorgeous and brings more detail visually to a scene that is already full of emotion. The team already has a wide variety of Star Wars content on their channel, so I hope to see more like this from them in the future. I would recommend anyone to check out both versions of the ending scenes if you haven't already, and the whole WoofWoofWolffe channel. They are clearly passionate and super creative with their Star Wars love. Hopefully there will be more Star Wars content like this to come from fans or professionals in the future.

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