‘Solo: A Star Wars’ Story Writer Was Told Boba Fett Was "Off Limits"

Writer Jonathan Kasdan, who co-wrote Solo: A Star Wars Story, revealed he had intentions to use a particular character but was not permitted to do so. Disney told him that the character was off-limits. Solo was a financial disaster for the studio amidst shake-ups and reshoots that cost the studio millions of dollars. Could the film have been saved if Kasdan could have used the character he wanted, Boba Fett? Fans had been begging to see more of Boba Fett at the time, so it could have renewed interest in his character and Han Solo's story.

Solo is set up as the story that tells the origins of Han Solo and how he became the downtrodden and bitter man he is when Luke and Ben meet him in A New Hope. In an interview for the New York Times, Kasdan said that "Boba Fett was always off-limits because he was in development elsewhere."

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The bounty hunter's trajectory has since become clear now that he has resurfaced in The Mandalorian and has now earned his own show. Fett was brought back in Season 2 before the end credits of The Mandalorian’s second season finale revealed he would be returning in a larger capacity in his own series. It's nice that Fett is returning, but his return in Solo would not have hindered the ability to have him return in The Mandalorian. Instead, it would have likely had a more significant impact on that film's audience score and box office.

However, it is nice to see the studio making these promises and paying them off in the long run for fans who have been waiting so long. The Mandalorian gets high praise and great word of mouth from most fans, which has been a significant help when debating which characters should be brought back. It had been speculated for years that Fett did not perish in the sarlacc pit, and now that is officially canon.

Solo has fared okay since its disastrous box office run, so three years later, it's safe to say Star Wars is fine and on the right track. Those who have watched Solo and enjoyed it will vehemently defend the film as a necessary piece of Star Wars lore. It's a solid film in many aspects with a brilliant cast and very cool action sequences. However, it's hard to place any single moment from Solo among the best. On the other hand, the trilogies have many fantastic moments, and now The Mandalorian is also doing the same.

Fett's return was probably the coolest moment in the series thus far, as it had been nearly 30 years of waiting for the reveal. It's also the first time fans have seen the character's face to provide more reason to identify with the bounty hunter and his adventures.

As the week progresses, social media will likely be flooded with responses to The Book of Boba Fett and his new adventures. It's a series that has been well earned and should be a very engaging series after how The Mandalorian unfolded last season. With Fett now on his own adventure, that opens many doors for more potential spinoff series and more engaging plots down the road for both himself and Din Djarin. Now that they know each other, it's not out of the realm of possibility that another cross-over may occur down the line.

The future of Star Wars is entrusted in the hands of Jon Favreau and Dave Filoni, who have proven time and time again that they are working towards something massive. As this series dives deeper into the story and into the galaxy, we will get more answers about what that all means. But, for now, we can simply enjoy the fact Boba Fett is back after all this time and starring in his own series.


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