Rumor Suggests Fan Favorite 'The Mandalorian' Character May Appear In 'Book Of Boba Fett'

The Book of Boba Fett may only be a little over a week away, but that doesn’t mean the rumors aren’t still swimming around the digital ocean. Disney and Lucasfilm tend to keep the rumors and leaks under wraps as much as possible, but when the fans are as passionate and determined as Star Wars fans, Disney can’t catch everything. Plus, with rumors, there is really no way to tell if they are true until the show actually premieres.

However, there is a new rumor for The Book of Boba Fett that might tread the line of leak and rumor, and it involves a fan-favorite character from The Mandalorian making an appearance.

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Star Wars News Net recently reported that some of the crew merchandise from The Book of Boba Fett features Grogu from The Mandalorian, and Star Wars News Net also stated that they got the information from a reliable source. Crew merchandise is typically only made in small quantities, and it is only given out to, well, the crew, although it is weird that crew merchandise for a show would feature a character that doesn’t appear in the show. This has led some fans to wonder if Grogu could actually appear in The Book of Boba Fett.

Boba Fett did make his triumphant return in The Mandalorian and helped Mando reclaim Grogu when he was taken captive by Moff Gideon in Season 2. With both shows taking place so close together and being so closely related, it is possible that Grogu could pop up somewhere in the new series. Star Wars News Net even goes as far as to say that they received confirmation that Grogu does, in fact, appear in the show.

This may seem too good to be true for everyone who is dying to see “Baby Yoda” return, and it could be. It is important to take this information with a grain of salt. While Star Wars News Net says they received the information from a credible source, they never name that source, and they also do not state who gave them the “confirmation” that fans will get a glimpse of Grogu in the series at all. Although, it is unlikely anyone would come out and confirm this just weeks before the show premieres, and whoever leaked the information probably doesn’t want their name plastered on a website.

It also doesn’t say that Grogu is a recurring character or integral to the plot, so he could just appear in flashbacks to Season 2 of The Mandalorian. That being said, it is still incredibly weird for official crew merchandise for The Book of Boba Fett to feature a character who is only in flashbacks in the final show.

Grogu was absolutely adorable in The Mandalorian, and it would be fantastic to see the little green guy again. He developed his own following in the series and attracted several new fans. It would make sense that Disney and Lucasfilm would want to keep him in future shows. However, it is still up in the air if he will appear in The Book of Boba Fett, The Mandalorian Season 3, or in any future Star Wars project.

From what has been shown so far, The Book of Boba Fett seems to be diving deep into the criminal underworld of Star Wars. Boba Fett seems to be trying to take over Jabba’s spot as a crime lord. This doesn’t seem like it would be a prime place for a young, mischievous Jedi to hang out in. On the other hand, this could also be the perfect place for a young, mischievous Jedi to hang out. The likelihood of Grogu appearing in The Book of Boba Fett seems minuscule, but, as Star Wars has proven time and again, anything is possible.

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Source(s): Star Wars News Net

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