Potential Leak States 'Star Wars: Eclipse' Gameplay Will Reportedly Be Inspired By 'The Last Of Us'

The Star Wars gaming community is still reeling from the release of the Star Wars Eclipse cinematic reveal trailer. A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one, as the stage is set for (hopefully) a renaissance of Star Wars video games. As new developers and studios take up the heavy Star Wars mantle, fans wait in anticipation to see what will be coming to their consoles. Eclipse caught fan attention with an impressive trailer, but still little is known about the actual gameplay, story, or setting of Eclipse, short of it being set in the High Republic and being developed by Quantic Dream.

Thanks to AccountNGT on Twitter, we now have a short list of everything this industry insider knows about the game so far. In truth, it is not much more than has already been officially confirmed, but there are some few interesting nuggets that can be extrapolated upon, especially during the ongoing controversy surrounding QD. Here we will be taking a closer look at some of the more interesting pieces of info provided by AccountNGT and what they could mean for Eclipse.

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When Eclipse first came into the public eye, much of the discourse about the game was obviously centered around exactly what type of gameplay it would feature. Mainly fans despaired at the idea of a dialogue-driven game with little to no platforming or player-controlled combat. These fears seem to be unfounded however, as one of AccountNGT's most interesting tweets (seen below) compares Eclipse to two very popular, very different games already on the market.

Both Fallen Order and The Last of Us were hugely popular games that were smash hits for their engaging mechanics and in-depth storytelling. Both games were popular enough to warrant a sequel, with The Last of Us 2 releasing in 2020 and a Fallen Order sequel currently in development. Eclipse would certainly benefit from incorporating components from these two successful and entertaining video games. Afterall, what Jedi adventure is complete without traversing dangerous terrain, platformer style or defeating the forces of darkness (or light) with your lightsaber and the power of the Force. What could really take this game over-the-top however, is the influence of the critically-acclaimed Last of Us.

This fresh take on a zombie apocalypse is headlined by an in-depth story and dynamic characters created to populate its dystopian world. Star Wars has 40+ years of world-building and lore from which to build fascinating new characters. There will of course be familiar faces and places (Yoda in the Jedi Council chambers for example), but Eclipse has an opportunity to forge exciting new characters, with the players having control over their choices and path.

Players fell in love with the characters of Ellie and Joel, and Star Wars fans are certainly hoping that the "multiple playable characters" get similar treatment and development. This would ensure that Eclipse players not only had a fun, fulfilling, and challenging experience as they got to know each character and their presumably varied abilities and talents, but also that players would enjoy the characters for their personality, motivations, and banter.

There is still a long and, odds are, winding road ahead of Eclipse. The debut of the cinematic trailer served to bring many people's attention to the ongoing legal issues at Quantic Dream, with reports of sexual harassment and workplace inequality sparking an investigation and multiple lawsuits, this reputation undoubtedly feeds into AccountNGT's assessment that QD is having difficulty hiring staff. Star Wars games have certainly been scrapped over less, and with these extremely troubling and serious allegations hanging over Eclipse's developer, fans will be keeping a close eye on any news relating to Quantic Dream and Star Wars Eclipse.

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Source(s): CBR.com, Twitter

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