Could This Fan Favorite Legends Character Be Made Canon Through ‘The Mandalorian’ Or ‘Book Of Boba Fett’?

Season 2 of the Disney+ series The Mandalorian introduced the Darksaber of the Mandalorian culture. This made the story of the Mandalorian and the Jedi even more critical. Questions arose about where the Darksaber came from. The creator of the Darksaber, Terra Vizsla, was the first Mandalorian to become a Jedi. He was not the only Jedi to wear Mandalorian armor, however. The most famous Jedi to wear Mandalorian armor was actually Darth Revan. The Star Wars fan base might recall Darth Revan from the popular video game Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic, and the Dark Horse comics Knights of the Old Republic #42.

The iconic mask worn by Darth Revan was a Mandalorian mask. The mask belonged to a Mandalorian woman on Cathar during the time of the Mandalorian Wars. This woman fought in the Battle of Cathar under Cassus Fett. She tried to persuade Fett to spare the people of Cathar as he had planned to commit genocide in Cathar. However, Fett was not persuaded, and he would slaughter the woman along with the people of Cathar. Years later, this event would spur Revan, Malak, and a small group of Jedi to take action.

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A decade after the Battle of Cathar, Revan, Malak, and other Jedi were investigating the events of the murderous Battle of Cathar. When Revan found the particular mask, he received this extraordinary shared vision of the massacre at Cathar. Because of this vision of the events from a decade ago, Revan put onn the mask and swore that he would not remove it until the Mandalorians were defeated and justice was served.

Revan did not stop wearing the Mandalorian mask even though he and Malak defeated the Mandalorians at the Battle of Malachor during the Mandalorian Wars. At some point after the wars, Revan turned to the Dark Side and became Darth Revan. He declared his own Sith Empire and moved against the Republic with Malak, fighting against the Jedi for many years. Darth Revan felt that the mask added to his fierce reputation as a Sith. It worked. Very few knew what Revan looked like beneath the mask as he became a feared enemy of the galaxy.

The name Revan entered the current canon in the form of Darth Sidious’ Sith Eternal army. The third legion was known as the “Revan Legion.” They were part of the Final Order forces who fought in the final battles against The Resistance in The Rise of Skywalker.

There is also a question about whether Revan will cross paths with Din Djarin and Boba Fett in the current Star Wars saga. In The Mandalorian Chapter 13, “The Jedi,” the HK-87 assassin droids were displayed. Darth Revan created the HK-47 assassin droid, the obvious precursor to the HK-87 model. In the same episode, there was a reference to the Jedi Temple on Tython. According to Legends, the Order of Revan, a group of autonomous secret political conspirators loyal to the teachings of Revan, attacked the Jedi Temple on Tython.

It appears that the process of making Darth Revan canon in Star Wars has already begun. The question now is how much more will the Star Wars fan base see of Darth Revan in future series or cinematic productions. The storyline of Darth Revan is very popular among Star Wars fans. It also creates expectations for future television or film creations about the Old Republic timeline. It will be interesting to see if and where The Mandalorian Season 3 will take things with Darth Revan. As spin-offs branch out from The Mandalorian, this could lead to more Revan storylines in other Star Wars productions.


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