Facts About Finis Valorum Only Die Hard Fans Will Know

Finis Valorum was the face of a Republic ripe with corruption—rotting from the inside like an ancient Wroshyr tree. By the end of his term, Chancellor Valorum was surrounded by self-serving politicians whose greed brought the thousand-year Republic to its knees. Nevertheless, Valorum was a decent man who eventually crumbled in the face of increasing political turmoil. Not much is known about Finis Valorum, a man remembered for his weakness in the face of challenge. I will take a deeper dive into some of the lesser-known facts about Chancellor Valorum. 

Most Star Wars fans know Chancellor Valorum as the guy who lost his chancellery in a vote of no confidence prompted by his close friend, Queen Amidala, in Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace. It was a difficult move by the young Naboo queen, who considered Finis to be “a close friend and supporter,” but it was a necessary one to counter the recent threat by the Trade Federation. There is actually more to Finis Valorum’s legacy than the fall of the Republic. I consider myself a pretty hardcore fan, and even I did not even know some of these.

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Bill Valorum

While developing Valorum’s character for The Phantom Menace, actor Terrance Stamp worked closely with writer/director George Lucas to make Valorum multi-dimensional. When Stamp asked Lucas about the character, Lucas said Valorum is like then-president Bill Clinton, "a good man but beleaguered." This of course was before the Monica Lewinsky controversy.

Return Of The Valorum

After his disappointment in Valorum’s portrayal in The Phantom Menace, Terrance Stamp declined to return to Star Wars. However, that did not mean the end of the character. It took fifteen years, but Valorum returned to canon in The Clone Wars season 6 episode “The Lost One,” voiced by Ian Ruskin. In the episode, Yoda speaks with the former chancellor about Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas and the creation of the Grand Army.

Espaa Valorum?

The name “Valorum” was not new to Star Wars in 1999. Like many names in the saga, “Valorum” was pulled from a rough draft of the original Star Wars script. In that draft, Valorum was a Sith Knight who failed at capturing rebel fighters and was subsequently demoted to stormtrooper. Seems like no matter what era it is, “Valorum” is a cursed name. After a name change in the first version of the script, Lucas switched it back to Valorum in a later draft titled Adventures of Luke Starkiller Episode I: The Star Wars. Although he did not physically appear in the story, Espaa (Mos Espa?) Valorum was a prince and a Sith Master who ruled from Alderaan with Vader as his second in command.

Finis Valorum

First names in Star Wars come in all shapes and sizes and pronunciations. Some do not even come at all, and when they do, we wish they did not (like “Sheev,” for example). Valorum’s first name, “Finis,” was not revealed until the 2014 mobile game Star Wars Journeys: The Phantom Menace. In the same year, James Luceno’s novel Tarkin also mentions the name “Finis.” However, “Finis” was used as early as 2001 in the Legends novel Cloak of Deception.

Alone Together

In filmmaking, a blue screen can be helpful, or it can be a hindrance. Let’s face it, it is only beneficial to the director. One of the by-products of the blue screen is how things can be digitally added in later. For example, Queena Amidala and Chancellor Valorum appeared in several scenes together. However, Stamp and Portman never actually acted together.

Star Wars And Rock Music

For all you classic rock buffs out there, the name Stamp may sound familiar. Terrance Stamp’s brother Chris Stamp was a music producer for The Who and Jimi Hendrix. 

House Valorum

Finis Valorum’s family tree dates back thousands of years. As a native of Coruscant, House Valorum has strong influences in the Core Worlds. Tarsus Valorum was the first chancellor of the modern Republic after the downfall of the Old Republic. It began and ended with a Valorum at the helm. The circle is indeed complete.

Something tells me with The High Republic inching ever closer to the prequel era, House Valorum will soon make their presence known once again.

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Source(s): Wookieepedia, The Force.net

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