New Comic Series Featuring Qi'ra Announced


The Crimson Reign begins! Marvel Comics has announced the continuing adventures of Qi’ra from Solo: A Star Wars Story beyond their current War of the Bounty Hunters story, which itself is set between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. This marked the return of this beloved and fascinating character who has a personal connection to Han Solo, as well as another famous Star Wars legend from the prequel era. However, it seems her story is not yet done, as a new comic featuring her called Star Wars: Crimson Reign is set to launch. This is set to be "part 2" of a Qi’ra trilogy according to author Charles Soule.

This comic and War of the Bounty Hunters have seen a massive expansion of the characters since her appearance in Solo, showing that she is now the leader of this powerful and feared organization Crimson Dawn and is not to be messed with. Not by the Hutts or even Darth Vader himself.

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Qi’ra was Han Solo's childhood friend and lover on Corellia. The two of them wished to escape the horrors of their world and explore the galaxy, running off like two crazy teens. However, tragedy struck, and the two were separated. Han was able to be set free, albeit going on to serve the Imperial Navy, while Qi’ra was forced into a life of crime. However, when they next met, she was now a high ranking member of the organization Crimson Dawn. Throughout the rest of the movie, there's smuggling, backstabbing, and lots of action. However, in the end, Qi’ra has to make a choice between Han and Crimson Dawn. In the end, she chooses Crimson Dawn, and its true ruler, Maul.

For some time, fans have speculated just what had happened to Qi’ra. Because of Solo’s limited box office performance, she’s had a bit of a limited life since then. However, her story is so rich. Her connection to Maul is fascinating, as she would have been with him before he was stranded on Malachor. Many had speculated that she herself stranded him there, hence why Maul no longer has control of a criminal empire anymore when we see him in Star Wars Rebels. Still, it was starting to look more and more like Qi’ra’s story would no longer continue. That perhaps the film would be the last time we saw Qi’ra in any Star Wars story material. That is, until the comic series War of the Bounty Hunters.


Now that Qi’ra has returned, what does that mean for the character moving forward? It is hard to say. Many fans had hoped for something more like an onscreen continuation of the Solo story where we would see Emilia Clark return to the role. She herself has said she is interested in doing it. However, for now, it seems like we’ll have the comic world. Though that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Comics are a great way to tell fascinating and unique stories and have far more wacky antiques happen that audiences may not always be so ready to accept in the live-action or even animated material.

All of this is to say that hopefully the character of Qi’ra continues to go on beyond the comics and will return one day to the realm of film or television. Disney+ is always in need of more material, and her story is rich considering her connections to Han Solo, Maul, and now in the comic the character known as Ren, the original leader of the Knights of Ren, and thus giving her an indirect link, as of now, to Ben Solo himself.

Qi’ra’s story is still ongoing, hopefully it will continue for some time. Until then, we will just have to wait and see how events unfold in the galaxy far, far away.

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Source(s): IGN , Twitter

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