More Secrets Revealed From Exegol Coming From Marvel's April 2021 'Star Wars: Darth Vader' Comic


The ninth Star Wars saga film, 2019's The Rise of Skywalker, was... flawed. Between undoing some of what had happened in The Last Jedi and an unfocused storyline, one could argue that it is easily the weakest of the three sequel films. However, that doesn't mean that there wasn't anything good in it. The return of Emperor Palpatine was a lot of fun, and it was especially cool to see his new home, the Sith world of Exegol. It was a bit silly to see a gigantic fleet of Star Destroyers, all of which were armed with a cannon that could destroy an entire planet, but at the end of the day, the planet gave us the opportunity to see some good ol' Star Wars fun. 

Not much is known about the planet, either in-universe or in official media, but we're about to get a few of those puzzle pieces filled in with a new Star Wars comic from Marvel, set to be released in April of 2021. It will be featured in the eleventh issue of Greg Pak's Darth Vader comic series. All that's really been revealed about this issue is that it involves Darth Vader possibly uncovering some of Darth Sidious' greatest secrets, which appear to be found on Exegol. The comic series takes place between The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. The teaser information for the issue in question features the words, "But will the revelations on EXEGOL empower Vader — or his master? And what new doom awaits LUKE SKYWALKER as a result?"

Seeing Exegol from Darth Vader's perspective will be interesting for sure. He's far more entrenched in the Sith Order, and as such, has the power to unlock secrets that Kylo Ren and Rey (Palpatine? Skywalker? Take your pick, I guess.) didn't have the ability to discover in The Rise of Skywalker. Vader is far more in tune with the dark side, so it remains to be seen what effect the planet will have on him.

There is also the big question of whether or not Palpatine himself will make an appearance on the planet. Vader hasn't dunked him like a basketball down a reactor shaft in the second Death Star, so the opportunity is there. With Vader searching for his master's secrets, it makes sense that Palpatine would do his best to stop that. Their relationship has always been... tumultuous, and they don't really trust each other, as per usual with the Sith. Their rule states that there can only be two, and the stronger one (whether master or apprentice) has to kill the other. Combine that with Palpatine's manipulations to get Vader to the dark side, and the limitations of Vader's suit, and you get a pair that doesn't actually work together all that well. 

Sith Lords in general aren't too keen to give up their secrets, much less arguably the most powerful Sith Lord of all time. However, if we get a lot more history for Exegol, and by extension the Sith themselves, it can really expand a lot on the lore of Star Wars' most enigmatic group. Since pretty much everything we knew about them was shoved into the Legends timeline, we're starting with a mostly clean slate here. 

We didn't get a lot on Exegol during The Rise of Skywalker, but it's always fun learning more about the Sith and their ways. With this new comic, we'll get a glimpse of the new through the lens of the old characters. It should be great.


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