Michael Keaton Now Confirmed To Return As Batman!!


''You wanna get nuts? Come on let's get nuts!''

Good news Batman fans! The moment we (I) have been waiting for has finally arrived. Recently, we brought you the story of a seemingly harmless Instagram post, a photo of the 1989 Batmobile, and how it could have potentially been a subtle hint confirming Michael Keaton as a part of the upcoming The Flash movie. Now we can confirm that the information...is good.

As covered previously, Keaton played the role of the Dark Knight in 1989's Batman and its 1992 sequel Batman Returns - both directed by the amazing Tim Burton. We mentioned how the first film was a huge game changer. It finally gave us a dark and grittier version of one of the most well known superheroes of all time. A drastic change to the campy 1960's version people were accustomed to.

What we didn't discuss, though, was the man behind the mask. Keaton had worked with Burton previously on the film Beetlejuice. This was released in 1988, just one year previous to Batman. At the time, Keaton was mostly known for comedic roles such as the aforementioned Beetlejuice and 1983's Mr Mom, so critics and fans alike didn't seem to understand the logic behind this decision. He was hardly a ''big movie star'' and was petty much typecast as a comedic actor, yet he was going to be playing this dark, serious version of Batman, not to mention going head to head with Jack ''The Joker Nicholson. It was like he was doomed to fail.

Then Boom! The film was released and it was an all out hit. Keaton himself receiving praise for his portrayal, thus leading on to the sequel where he would go up against classic rogue villains The Penguin and Catwoman. Everything Keaton brought to the first film, he brought to the second, and then some. Although Batman Returns was much darker than its predecessor, some fans consider it to be even better than the first.

Sadly, whilst everyone expected a third outing with Keaton and Burton, it wasn't to be. Burton was replaced as director for the third film in the series, Batman Forever, and Keaton didn't want to be involved without him, so the role was recast and the mantle was passed to Val Kilmer. Even since then, there have been rumors and reports of a third Burton film, but nothing ever came from it, and both men moved on. Keaton himself would go on to star in a bunch of fairly okay films, but nothing ever really as successful as Batman, leading many to believe the actor had, once again, become typecast.

Fast forward to 2014 and the release of Birdman or (The Unexpected Virtue of Ignorance). A film in which Keaton played the main character, ironically a faded Hollywood actor best known for playing the superhero ''Birdman',' and no it wasn't a biopic. The film and Keaton's performance were so well received that he would go on to win an Oscar for Best Actor in a Musical or Comedy at the 87th Academy Awards.

Another three years passed when we saw him pop up again. This time in the MCU. In Spiderman: Homecoming, Keaton starred as Adrian Toomes A.K.A The Vulture. Noticing a theme yet? Thanks to the roles of Batman, Birdman, and The Vulture, fans have taken to calling him ''Master of the Wings'.' A title well deserved. It's also worth noting that he is slated to appear again seemingly as Adrian Toomes in the upcoming Morbius film.

Now, after years of speculation and Keaton even stating earlier this year that he was unsure of involvement due to COVID-19, his talent agency, ICM Partners, confirmed to The Wrap that he will indeed don the cape and cowl again in The Flash movie, which has now begun production today. This was announced by Director Andy Muschietti via his Instagram (a link for which you can find below in the sources section).

At this point, I don't even care how the film turns out. I, and many other Keaton fans, I'm sure, will just be super excited to see him back in action. As always, we will bring more updates to you as and when they happen.

Until next time!

Source(s): IGN

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