Mark Hamill Made Fun Of 'The Force Awakens' Without Saying Much

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Mark Hamill himself has never been afraid to express his feelings toward the sequel trilogy, especially with his performance as Luke Skywalker in the first installment of the sequel trilogy, The Force Awakens. It is well known that Luke Skywalker had no lines in that film, and Mark Hamill has often mocked this decision.

Mark said in his social media, that Episode VII was his only silent movie, and he also joked about how his dubbing of Harrison Ford for Bad Lip Reading or The Force Awakens gave him more lines to do than the actual movie. He has always done an incredible voice impersonation of his co-star, Harrison Ford. In the dubbed version of Episode VII by Bad Lip Reading, Mark had the opportunity to dub Ford’s character, Han Solo, in a brilliant parody. Hamill with his amazing humor said that he was happy to have more lines in this parody version of the film, than in the actual film, in which he had no lines at all. 

The Force Awakens is by far the best of the sequel trilogy. When Mark Hamill himself began reading through the script, he was wondering when his character was going to show up. As he kept reading, he noticed that the character of Luke Skywalker wasn’t in any of the main scenes of the movie. He was surprised when the lightsaber in the snow flew not to him, but to Rey. And at the end of the story, he turns around to face Rey and says nothing at all.

It was very disappointing for many of the fans to see Luke in just in a small scene at the end, and some were not quite taken with his character development in Episode VIII. Even Hamill himself admitted that he had disagreements with Rian Johnson's take on Luke Skywalker before he was won over by it. Hamill did not imagine Luke as a defeated old man. Many were expecting the confident Luke from Return of the Jedi, which we do not quite get again until the end of The Last Jedi.

Hamill was very happy to reprise the role of Luke Skywalker in The Mandalorian season 2 finale. It was amazing to see Jedi Master Luke crush a threatening bunch of Dark Troopers in the season finale. Some speculate or hope that we may see Luke again with Grogu in the future of the show.

It is understandable for one to be disappointed with his cameo in The Force Awakens. The character of Luke is what started Star Wars as a whole, and he was the one who began the hero’s journey for the entire Skywalker saga. For some, it felt insulting for the character of Luke be depicted as a beaten down character. Luke had always been a character that has never quit anything, yet one defeat in the sequel story made him give up everything he stood for. Mark understood that this wasn’t something that some fans would like to see and of course. He was correct, but he was won over in the end. 

Although Luke served as a teacher for Rey at the end, one could argue that his character would have helped the story better if we had seen the Luke whom we saw at the end of The Mandalorian season 2. Mark Hamill has always been very loyal to George’s vision, and to the Star Wars fan community. He understood from the very beginning that fans wouldn’t agree with Luke’s path in the sequel trilogy, but he went all in with his amazing portrayal of Luke Skywalker, as he is Luke himself.

Source(s): Digital Spy

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