Kevin Feige's 'Star Wars' Film Theme Has Been Revealed


With the enormous success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe, fans have often clamored to have Kevin Feige take on other genre projects. Also, with Star Wars and Marvel both being owned by Disney, it would only make sense for Feige to head to a galaxy far, far away, and it appears to finally be happening. While there have been numerous rumors that he would be helming the future of the Star Wars universe, those rumors have since been debunked. Feige will, however, be producing at least one Star Wars movie, and that movie has a writer and a loose theme.

Michael Waldron, who has written for projects such as Loki and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, is set to write the script. The pen has not officially hit the paper on the script yet, but Waldron has been thinking about what he loves about Star Wars and what he hopes to include in his story. In an interview with GQ, Waldron said that the theme of family is key to Star Wars. He said,

"I think the success of the MCU is, for all the amazing science-fiction and concepts and all that stuff; ultimately the success is built upon the characters, their humanity, their very relatable conflicts, friendships, and the family that is the MCU. And I think Star Wars, at its best, is a story about family."

The theme of family is one of the themes George Lucas always said was important to the story of Star Wars. He often described it as a family drama, so it is nice to see that Feige and Waldron’s Star Wars film will adhere close to one of the central themes of the, at least original six, Star Wars films. Waldron also went into more detail about why family made Star Wars such a success.

"Han, Luke, and Leia were a family; you love seeing them together, and you hated it when they were split apart. It’s great characters. That’s nothing new. I am not going to blow anybody’s mind with that headline—but that’s my biggest takeaway."

Unfortunately, Waldron could not provide any further detail on the Star Wars film’s story or Kevin Feige’s degree of involvement on the project other than producer. He said, “It’s very early days on [Star Wars]. That’s probably the thing I can say least about, unfortunately.” 

It is wonderful to hear that the theme of family will be continued in the Star Wars films. Family was one of the biggest strengths of the films, and it would be interesting to see a new family enter the Star Wars films that isn’t the Skywalkers or Palpatines. A new family story unfolding in a post-Skywalker universe or a pre-Phantom Menace universe could provide for some incredibly interesting stories and a much-needed breath of fresh air for the series. 

The story also appears to be in great hands. Kevin Feige has done absolutely phenomenal work with the Marvel films, and he is a huge Star Wars fan himself. He has gone on record saying he stayed up until midnight to watch every episode of The Mandalorian, and his love of the series also seems to be how he got the producing role on the film in the first place. Waldron also seems to be a fan of the series and has a firm grasp on what elements made the series great. Also, with his writing work on both Loki and Doctor Strange, he has a strong portfolio to back him up. While it is disappointing there will be only one movie done by this fantastic duo, it will be exciting to see what story they find to tell in the Star Wars universe. 

Source(s): The Direct

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