Kelly Marie Tran Opens Up About Online Abuse From 'Star Wars' Fans

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Fandoms, for the most part, are wonderful things. Usually, they are whole communities filled with people sharing their love for a movie, TV show, game, etc. However, when the internet and news mix with upset fans, fandoms can quickly turn toxic. Some stars have even been bullied by fans online for simply taking a role in a series that fans disagreed with for some reason or another.

Star Wars is certainly no stranger to the occasional toxicity. Star Wars fans have a tendency to be vocal in their opposing opinions of the series they claim to love. Dealing with a particular vocal and upsetting display of toxic behavior from a subset of fans, The Last Jedi star Kellie Marie Tran left social media in response to online abuse.

The Last Jedi is a divisive film, to say the least. Every Star Wars or movie fan seems to have deep opinions on the flick to justify it being a great film or a terrible film depending on their stance. The character of Rose Tico seemed to be a particular point of contention for some people, and no one felt people’s contention more than Kelly Marie Tran, who portrayed the character. Fans harassed her constantly on social media with a variety of racist and sexist remarks, which led to Tran abandoning social media.

In an interview with Teen Vogue, she recently talked about those difficult times. She said,

“For me, I knew that the most important thing was to protect my mental health and make myself a space where I felt like I could create again and where I could be an artist again, which for a time, I didn’t know if I could do that again. That being said, I don’t think leaving social media is the answer for everyone. I think it was the answer for me at the moment.” 

It is good to know that she was able to focus on her mental health at such a difficult time when she was confronted with inexcusable behavior. While it may not work for everyone, it is good to know that ditching social media helped her focus on her health and removing herself from the toxicity. Although, abandoning social media for a bit could be a benefit to us all in some form or fashion. It is also great to know that despite all that happened she didn’t completely lose her positivity. She was able to acknowledge her privilege to work on such a big franchise like Star Wars.

“I still went from being someone who was working in an office answering phones, and picking up coffee, and driving kids to hockey practice, to then being in Star Wars and then getting to be a Disney princess.”

She was definitely able to bounce back excellently by becoming a Disney princess, which is a badge of honor in itself. Raya and the Last Dragon is the latest Disney animated film to feature a princess, but this one is not like any other. Raya is the first Southeast Asian Disney princess, and she isn’t just locked in a castle somewhere. She is bold and daring, and she is hunting down a dragon to save her people. It is an incredible role, and Tran portrays the character excellently. Tran also recognized the importance and legacy of the roles she has gotten.

“I know how rare it is, and I know how many people grow up dreaming of getting to do the things that I am doing, and I wish, so wholeheartedly, that I could use myself as an example to say that if you want to do something impossible, you can. . .because it wasn’t long ago, I was cleaning bathrooms at a yoga studio.”

Kelly Marie Tran has definitely soared way above all the negative comments she once received and has truly become an example of how overcoming impossible odds and living well truly is the best revenge. 

Source(s): Gizmodo

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