Jedi Masters In The Clone Wars Ranked By Likeability

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The Jedi have been a huge part of the Star Wars galaxy, as the keepers of the peace and even as generals during the Clone Wars era. Here is a top 7 of some of the most powerful Jedi masters within the Jedi Order during the Clone Wars era, ranked by my personal preference:

7. Pong Krell


Krell was a Besalisk war general within the grand army of the Republic. He wielded blue and green double-bladed lightsabers, which made him a force to be reckoned with. Krell had many successful victories during the Clone Wars, yet his tactics were considered brutal. During a battle on the planet Umbara, Krell began to turn his clone troops against each other, in order to get rid of them, as he believed the clones to be weak and useless. After a brutal carnage, Master Krell’s confidence betrayed him when Rex and the rest of the clones placed a trap on him, and killed him on sight.

6. Kit Fisto

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Master Fisto was a Nautolan from the planet Glee Anselm. Fisto was known for always showing respect and support to his troops, and for infiltrating General Grievous’s secret lair. Fisto wielded a green saber. He was a very powerful Force user, and someone who relied on negotiating peace, rather than "aggressive negotiations." Fisto fought underwater battles alongside the clones, and met his end when he and a few other Jedi tried arresting Chancellor Palpatine (Darth Sidious).

5. Plo Koon

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During the final days of the Clone Wars, Master Plo Koon fought many battles alongside Anakin and Obi-Wan. He wielded a blue lightsaber and was both an amazing fighter and an amazing general. Plo Koon was the Jedi who, during the clone wars, discovered the Separatists' secret weapon, the destroyer known as the Malevolence. Master Plo met his end on the planet Cato Neimoidia during Order 66.

4. Obi-Wan Kenobi


The legendary Master Kenobi was famous for his audacity, battle skills, and defeat of Darth maul during the Trade Federation's Invasion of Naboo. Obi-Wan wielded three different blue lightsabers during the Galactic Republic era. He also fought during the Mandalorian revolutionary wars, and helped free the planet from the hands of Death Watch. He was highly respected by his troops, and within the Senate, as he was one of the wisest masters within the council. After defeating Darth Vader (Anakin Skywalker), he went into exile to Tatooine, while he looked after Luke Skywalker. 

3. Luminara Unduli


Master Luminara was extremely wise and powerful, which gained her high respect from her fellow Jedi Masters. Her key instinct was patience. She fought alongside Obi-Wan and Anakin in several battles during the Clone Wars era as she wielded her green-bladed lightsaber. Master Luminara’s teachings, and lessons were some of the best to come out from the Galactic Republic era. Luminara was one of the few survivors of the initial attacks from Order 66, yet she was captured by the Empire some time it was set in motion.

2. Mace Windu


Windu was, by far, one of he most feared Jedi from the Galactic Republic era. He wielded a purple lightsaber, which meant he could channel the dark side to his benefit without being corrupted by it. At the age of 20, Mace was the youngest Jedi to become a Jedi Master. Windu met his demise at the hands of Darth Sidious, when he confronted him for being the phantom Sith Lord.

1. Yoda


During the time of the Galactic Republic, no Jedi could match the combined power and wisdom of Master Yoda. He was so powerful, he could repel Force lighting, and started to learn how to become a Force ghost by the end of the Clone Wars. He wielded a green lightsaber, which he used to fight Count Dooku in the Battle of Geonosis, and to face Darth Sidious himself. Yoda didn’t serve much as a general during the Clone Wars era, yet represented the Jedi within the Senate. He was so powerful, even Sidious himself was afraid to face him, during their duel on Coruscant. With tricks and cowardly acts, Sidious defeated Yoda, who went into exile to the planet of Dagobah to live his final days.

These are some of the most powerful Jedi Masters, ranked based on my personal opinion. There are many Jedi worthy of recognition like Master Jocasta Nu, and of course the mysterious creator of the Clone Army, Master Sifo Dyas. But I believe that all Jedi Masters are equally cool and worthy of appreciation.

Source(s): Wookieepedia

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